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Move away from mishmash programs and start working by the numbers to ensure success and greater results. 


Better Programming.

Better Humans. 

In the Program Design Course, you'll...

βœ“ Know "The Why" in all Programs
βœ“ Write Unequivocal Programming
βœ“ Learn to Spot Crappy Programs
βœ“ Be a Leader in Your Community (or family)

AND...You'll help destroy "Mikey"...

Learn program design and crush the “Mikeys” out of the fitness industry

You know Mikey, he has 6-pack abs and an instagram account…

And the whole “Mikey has a 6-pack, so I’ll do what Mikey does” mentality is the worst thing that has ever happened to the fitness industry.


Because Mikey doesn’t actually know programming. And what he did works great for...HIM!! 

So this isn’t the “Mikey Body Method”

It’s the method that has been used by…

1,000’s of Athletes at End of Three Fitness from Special Operators to Stay-at-Home Moms…

It's not just a course...It's a Skill...

A skill for you. A skill for your athletes. A skill for your family.

How would you like to have a skill that will serve you for the rest of your life...?

A skill like fitness program design which will pay dividends for a LIFETIME! 


"I have been following End of Three programming for years, with great results. Becoming a certified End of Three Fitness Coach is, perhaps, my most valued and cherished fitness accomplishment. My goal is to show, both through active coaching and by living the lifestyle, that following End of Three programming will lead to achieving one’s strength and fitness goals. "

Douglas Alexander

"I finally figured out what strength training is supposed to be and exactly how someone can use a system to make himself healthy and fit in the most authentic sense: strong, functional, and durable in a long-lasting way." "

Joseph Vondohlen

"I found EO3 Fitness in 2013 and began training the right way. From the start, I knew the EO3 methods were for me. Now in 2017, I’m stronger than I have ever been and my conditioning is improving with every training day."

Frank Palmisano

What will you learn?

Our Program Design Course is packed with over 5 hours worth of video content aimed at making you an expert in Program Design. Here are just a few things we cover... 

βœ“ How to Build Long-Term Training Cycles
βœ“ Objective-Based Strength Methods 
βœ“ Objective-Based Conditioning Methods 
βœ“ How to Combine Strength with METCONs
βœ“ Building Bulletproof METCONS
βœ“ Proper Progressions 
βœ“ How To Avoid Training Imbalances
βœ“ And A LOT More!! 


Who will be teaching me?

Jerred Moon.

Jerred is the Founder & CEO of End of Three Fitness and head coach here. A few accomplishments... 

βœ“ Over 1,000,000 Training Sessions Completed by EO3 Athletes

βœ“ Former Physical Training Leader and Unit Fitness Program Manager in Air Force Special Operations Command.

βœ“ Over 50 certified coaches in EO3 Methods 

Ready to get started??

Our Program Design Course will help you bring more value as a coach writing programs for athletes, or as an athlete writing programs for yourself.


50% Complete

Two Step

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