How To Break World Records at 92 Years Old

Hey, Athletes! How To Break World Records at 92 Years Old
- Jerred and Joe are back for another podcast
- They give quick training updates
- Then they dive into a study on age
- They guys dive into a story about Richard Morgan, 92 year old 4 time indoor rowing world champion
- And A LOT MORE!!
Diving Deeper…
If you want to go a little bit deeper on this episode, here is a link to the study for you:
Garage Gym Athlete Workout of the Week
Don't forget to watch today's podcast!
How To Break World Records at 92 Years Old
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To becoming better!
- Jerred
Podcast Transcript
Jerred: [00:00:00] This is the Garage Gym Athlete Podcast, and we're here to build autonomous athletes and put phenomenal programming into every garage, basement, and spare bedroom out there. I'm Jared Moon, and I'm with Jill Courtney. We are strength and conditioning coaches who have turned over 20, 000 people into Garage Gym Athletes over the last decade, and we're here to reduce the information overload that exists in the health and fitness industry today.
We're going to do that by covering relevant science and give actionable takeaways, not only from the data, but from our years of experience. So let's dive in.
Welcome to the garage gym athlete podcast today. We're diving into a study that was titled physiological characteristics of a 92 year old four time world champion, indoor rower, and we highlighting the fascinating story of Richard Morgan and how it applies to science fitness, you and people you may know, but before we get into [00:01:00] Wanted to just do a quick update on training life.
Joe, how are, how are things, man? You, you pretty settled in now?
Joe: Yeah. Uh, good. The goods and the bads. I mean, we're, we're reaching, reaching like amazing, amazing weather right now. So it's, it's pretty nice. Even though my, my, my gym is still in a very stuffy garage. It's still really nice. Like it's not crazy muggy, crazy hot yet.
I don't know if it, how hot it will get. Train's good. Um, yeah. My wrist is really, really giving me some bad issues. Like I'm going to have to get a doctor's appointment, even though I'm going out of town for like three weeks, but I can't even do like planks or pushups right now. Or, uh, front knee and rest or pushups right now.
Like can't put that much weight on it at all. It's gotten progressively worse. So I don't know what the heck's going on with that, but you know, just another thing.
Jerred: You need to get Chris Morrissey's, uh, wrist straps.
Joe: Yeah, I was wondering, I, I have all kinds of different, actually I have his, um, and then I have some other ones that were just like that cloth that you kind of tighten.[00:02:00]
And I've been meaning to put one on and to see if that, that helps much, but like it's still like not good, not good. Not optimal, not a fan, but I will give that a shot.
Jerred: That's the bigger question.
Joe: So this is
Jerred: an injury for a year and a half ago. You can't blame garage mathy training because you've been doing random crap for the last two months because of your travels.
I'm not saying you don't stick to the program. I'm just saying when you're traveling, it's very hard to do like. Straight up hard to kill track or something like that.
Joe: Yeah. Technically this injury goes back to a year and a half ago. Um, and it was during my drill weekend. So they're actually at fault. Um, I just never reported my injury cause I didn't think it was that bad, but yeah.
So it, it like healed for a while and it was good. And then a month or two ago it flared up and now it's gotten a little bit worse. And I have no idea why or what the incident was that happened. So, um, something underlying I'll have to get checked out, but I did do a bunch of intervals run today and on the positive side, that was, went really, really good.
So feeling [00:03:00] strong there is that from hard to kill or you just did your own thing. I just did my own thing. It's deload week right now. And because of travel coming up, I see, I feel pretty fresh. Like we've actually really fresh this week. So, and I haven't done too many sprints because of either my healers or other things going on.
We did a trip a couple of weeks ago. Um, so I went and did 400s. Today, and they felt, they felt really good. I did 10 400s and I think they were, my splits were faster than splits that I've done in a long time. I was, I was, I stayed really consistent. It felt real good. Rough fell real fast. Um, probably still had a little bit.
I mean, I, I had enough in the tank so that I improved each of them. But then the, my very last one, I just really, um, let it go and it still felt pretty good. So that felt real good.
Jerred: Yeah, I like running fast. Long? Not as much. Couple of 100s, 400s.
Joe: Let's do it. I'm also going to have my Air Force PT test coming up in about 10 days or [00:04:00] so.
10 or 11 days. So like I need to, and now I know like my pacing of what I need to do to hit my goal time for that. And so I was thinking about that while I was running up and at one point. Like my slowest slowest pace during those, I was like, this is, this feels kind of comfortable. And it was sort of like my pace that I need to run for my mile and a half.
Now, granted, I'm only doing quarter miles versus a mile and a half, but still like, it may feel a little bit better, especially because like running so fast, uh, doing those, I think it just helps even running. Like if I dial it back a little bit, I'll be able to, it'll help me maintain my pace a little bit better than like, if I just went and did a bunch of zone, two days, four to five miles kind of thing.
Jerred: Yeah, man. Like you can. If, if the fitness is there, what's cool is like, you can, you have a Garmin, right? So you can, you can program this stuff in to like set the exact pace that you need. You could change pace per lap to where like, it shows you the instantaneous pace that you're running. Like, I wish I had this level of technology while I was still in the air force, because.[00:05:00]
It would have helped me like, I mean, you have to have the fitness level to be like, okay, I want to run a six minute mile on every lap. You still have to be fit enough to do that. He's not like, oh, I have the watch. It will help, but I remember I used to do that. I would do the math as opposed to like, I'd be like, okay, I have to run this many seconds per, uh, I wouldn't do 400.
Like if I was running on a track, it'd be every 100 meters. I would know, I forgot what it came out to be like 20 seconds. Does that sound right? Maybe every 20 seconds per every a hundred meter per a hundred
Joe: percent.
Jerred: I'd probably be, that's a little fast. Or maybe it was like 20, 21, 22 seconds, something like that.
Yeah. I, I would normally shoot for like a, somewhere between a nine. Well, it used to be like a 9 36 back in the day was maxing it for, so nine minutes, 36 seconds for a mile and a half. But then they lowered it, I think, and it got, it like came down to like nine, 12 or something like that.
Joe: Yeah, it was nine 12 for a little bit right when I was at that age range as well.
And then they. They raised it again. I think it's at [00:06:00] 920 now for like the absolute youngest bracket for 100. Yeah.
Jerred: Because dude, when they made that switch, like I could get 936. Like that was like, that was within my capability every time when they lowered it to 912. That was difficult. I think I only ended up doing it, uh, you know, It would always be like hit or miss.
I'd get like really close to be like nine 17 or like, then I, or I'd get it at nine 10. So anyway, I used to have to do the math is what I was saying. And like, I'd have to, I'd hit the lap button on like a time X every hundred meters and be like, Oh, too slow. Speed up a little bit on this next one. Oh, too fast.
Slow down. If I had a garment, I could just be looking at the, the pace thing the whole time, just like, yeah, you're
Joe: on, you're on pace, keep doing what you're doing. I've never actually done like the math. Oh, cause it's weird. It's weird. Cause it's like. You're looking at your per mile pace, but you're running a mile and a half.
So it's like, okay, I have to like,
Jerred: no, I think you can switch that in garment. I think you could probably, yeah, you can make the goal
Joe: distance,
Jerred: right? Yeah.
Joe: A mile and a half. Um, now I, I, I've actually finally figured out my per quarter mile [00:07:00] or my, well, not necessarily my splits, but I know my, Mile pace for my goal.
So I think I, I just want to run under 10 sub 10, which is still pretty, pretty hard. And, um, I gotta look at what, cause I, this will be the first year I'm in the 35 age bracket, which my time a little, yeah, it's like, it's like nine, it's still like nine 49 for a hundred percent or something like that. It's like nine 47 or something either way.
Yeah. And so like, I'm just going for sub 10 and that, that means I have to run at a six 40. For a mile and a half, which is super pretty hard. But today, today felt strong today. That was like my lowest point. And then I would look at my watch and I'm like, Oh, six 40. I'm like, okay. Then I just sped up and it was fine, but you know, I got a couple, couple quarter miles together.
Jerred: Good luck on that. Uh, air force PT test.
Joe: Yeah.
Jerred: I only, I only test my fitness of my own accord these days. And it's,
Joe: yeah, I actually, because of my wrist, I think I might have to do them on my knuckles. Which is authorized, and whenever they [00:08:00] briefed it, I'm like, Who the hell's gonna do frickin knuckle push ups?
Just do regular push ups. Now I'm like, I'm that guy.
Jerred: Yeah, I had a buddy who did that, like he, He's actually incredibly fit, but he hurt his wrist pretty bad, Uh, and he had to do like two or three PT tests in a row on his knuckles. And he would still max it.
Joe: Impressive.
Jerred: I'll see how it goes. Hey, the, the trick is, You gotta put your thumb on the ground a little bit, like this.
Okay. Stay stable. Yeah. Just so you know. Now you got it. Because otherwise it's just kind of painful. If you have the thumb there, it like alleviates just enough pressure to where it's like, okay, I can still crank them out.
Joe: Okay. Good tip. I need that. How's your post, uh, ultra training, you know, free from running.
You just throw in the running shoes in the back of the closet, cover them up.
Jerred: Yeah. I ran one mile yesterday. That's all I've run since the ultra. Yep. You still got it. Well, I, uh, [00:09:00] I, I just wanted to, uh, Shake it out. I want to do a little shakeout run. It was like a warmup, but, um, you know, interestingly now kind of updating everybody, I took it super easy on the, the first week post ultra.
I didn't, I did some of the hard to kill workouts, but I didn't do all of them. And I kind of went lower on the intensity. Um, and this is just lessons learned from my life in general. Like I have a tendency to jump into things too fast, too hard, hurt myself, whatever. So I'm trying to be really smart about that.
But what I was noticing, and this was strange is like, uh, my resting heart rate typically, um, is in like the mid forties. So like anywhere, let's just say 44 to 46 is typically my resting heart rate, like when I'm asleep and I got back. So race finished technically Sunday morning. Okay. Resting heart rate was higher Monday.
It was still a little bit high. I think it was like 51 52, something like that. And then Tuesday it was [00:10:00] down to 46. And I was like, Oh damn, I'm like fully recovered. And then I started getting in the sauna every night like I normally do. And my resting heart rate started spiking the rest of the week. And it would, it was not, I was not, I would not feel good after the sauna.
Like normally the sun, I don't have necessarily like a feeling after the sauna, like, like it's just, I feel relaxed and like whatever I was feeling bad after I would get out of the sauna. Like I didn't feel good. And then my resting heart rate was super erratic. And then it was high for like three or four days.
So I don't know, honestly, I mean, I know why, but I don't know why, like, I don't know the true mechanism, but something was going on last week to where I was not fully recovered, like my muscles were recovered. My body felt good, but like maybe cardiovascularly, I was not fully recovered. There was some sort of internal mechanism to where I just was not all the way recovered.
And so I just listened to my resting heart rate, took it a little bit easy last week. And now this week. [00:11:00] Uh, things are looking like they're back to normal and I'm jumping back into things, but it's just, you really have to listen to your body. You know, I think that's just like the biggest thing. I've ignored listening to my body for a long time and I'm trying to get smarter about doing that.
Playing the long game, like, hey, if you take it easy this week, like it's fine, like you're just going to hop back into regular fitness the next week. So anyway, something weird was going on with my recovery other than like, No injuries, no muscle soreness, no, nothing hurt. It was just something like, like a deep level of recovery that wasn't there.
And I could just tell through my resting heart rate primarily. So I, I took it easy last week.
Joe: Yeah. I don't really focus or hyper focus that much on my wearables anymore. But I still like having that data to fall back on because if I am feeling something, then I can be like, okay, now I'm really gonna d deep dive in, deep see, see if there is something like on one of my numbers.
And once I see that and I'm feeling it, then I'm like, okay, this is kind of justification. Maybe I do need to dial it back to this, [00:12:00] that, and the other. 'cause there's times where especially like either traveling or, um, or something when I just don't feel like wearing my AA ring or, or, or, um, charging it or something, I'm like, do I even need this anymore?
But then there's times where it's nice to be like, oh, okay. Am my, my heart rate. My resting heart rate was up, uh, the other couple of nights or my body temperature. That one really, it's like, oh shoot, I was a, a, a degree high over the last two nights.
Jerred: Yeah, and I mean, it could be anything too. It's like maybe like I have all these theories, but it's like, what if, you know, doing an an ultra or even just training too hard, we've gone over this on the podcast, has the ability to lower your immune system, right.
So I, let's just say lower my immune system through running an ultra marathon, come home to kids who just basically collect germs all day at school. And so who knows? Maybe because it was weird that I was like, Fully recovered from all my metrics on Tuesday, but then like it started later in the week, that doesn't really make as much sense to, like, if I, if I was really jacked up from the ultra, I feel [00:13:00] like it should have happened, like I should have never really recovered.
There shouldn't have been like, Oh, you got recovered and then you aren't recovered. I think maybe I was fighting something off. Like you're saying, like, I think I came home, maybe caught something and, uh, my body was just fighting it. So anyway, I took it easy and now I'm. Back to it, uh, this week and feeling pretty good.
I'm just enjoying, enjoying training again. Like I said, I've put in one mile, uh, and I ran that mile and I was like, yeah, yeah, I, I just don't want to run. I still don't like I thought maybe I was like, you know, but, uh, and it's not that I don't want to conditioning. Like if you, if you are aware of what's going on the hard to go track, like.
There's still, there's a monostructural intervals day on there. That's why I was asking if that's what you were doing with your four hundreds or whatever. But ultimately, um, I'm going to be doing those things on the rower and the bike and not, not running. So, so taking that break.
Joe: Yeah. Pretty much. I only, I have dedicated run days and I don't really do run it on any other other days, but it's nice to have an airdyne.
So you need to get [00:14:00] one of those.
Jerred: I am getting an airdyne. I've decided I will in a month. Yeah. When I move, I will pull the trigger on getting an airdyne. It's just such a. It's such a good piece of equipment. Like it's just so good. You can go so hard on it. It involves, it's kind of like the rower, like it involves upper body and lower body, not as much upper body as like a rower would, but it's full body, very hard to hurt yourself on and can still like punish you such a good piece of equipment.
Joe: I'll be excited to hear what you get. I'm thinking, I know, but. We'll see.
Jerred: Do you want me to tell you?
Joe: I mean, you don't need to.
Jerred: Okay. We'll save it. We gotta save the content. All right. Let's get into this study. So again, the, this document is titled physiological characteristics of a 92 year old four time world champion indoor rower.
And really it's looking at, uh, like I said, uh, Richard Morgan. And when you first sent this to me. You know, you just kind of catch the highlights. And at first I [00:15:00] was like, ah, like, is this guy just like this elite rower who like rode his whole life? And it's been like, surprisingly he's fit at 92. I was like, I don't know if I'm interested, you know, because that's not motivating for people to be like.
Hey, if you, if you are fit your whole life, then one day later in life, if something weird doesn't kill you, you can still be fit. And that's what I, where I thought this story was going to go, but Richard Morgan didn't start rowing until the age of 73. That's what's so fascinating. And what's crazy about this story, because he previously, he was a banker and a chemical operator.
He lives in Ireland. Um, so let's, let's dive into it. I have quite a few takeaways and stuff, but I want to hear. You know, ultimately you picked this study, um, for us to do. I wanna hear like why you thought this was interesting, and then as you read through the study, anything you found that, uh, that was cool.
Joe: Yeah, and, and when I first saw it, 'cause I, I saw it was shared on, I think it was a thread on social media somewhere, and I was like, oh, this is kind [00:16:00] of interesting. And I had my, my, um, skeptical moments or the thoughts as well. But then as I read more about it, I'm like, oh, well this guy's. Basically doing concurrent training.
And what he does is a lot of what we talk about and a lot of what we preach. And, oh, he didn't start until he's 73. That's pretty interesting and crazy. And like, it's just one of those things where, you know, it's never too late. And, um, it's like, I always want to show this study to like my parents or somebody else.
I'm like, Hey, Hey, here, look, see this guy, like
Jerred: that. I mean, that's what, that's why I think this, uh, This podcast episode in general is so cool in this study because I think everybody has that person in their life where it's like, maybe they, they think it's too late or they just, you know, like what's really possible.
So anything's possible as it, as it shows.
Joe: Yeah, then I'm just like and then reading his what he's done and um his times and everything I'm just like man life goals right now. Like do I do I need to just like aspire [00:17:00] to? This is like the goal now
Jerred: But should we like stop exercising and not pick it up until 72 because like maybe maybe his body had a little bit more One of cartilage left in the in the joints Good
Joe: One of my notes is, is there a case to not do too much activity too young?
Jerred: There could be man. I'm, I'm feeling that like, uh, I, I have definitely burned the candle at both ends with my body, uh, pretty early on. And I, I think it's caused me to regret some things as I, as I get older, but. Nothing crazy, like I don't have any crazy injuries or anything, but I do think going too hard too young is something to pay attention to.
Joe: Yeah, I know I need to do more preventative stuff like mobility and especially with my hips and all that. I think it'll pay off easier now than it will later. It's just hard. One of those hard things are hard to get started. Um, but yeah, I loved, I love what I saw from the study, especially when it gets into the training program and the intensity breakdown.
Uh, there's only [00:18:00] one nitpicky thing that I, that I wish they did with, with it. Uh, but everything else I thought it was really cool. And, and it's, I, I, we call it a study. It's basically just an analysis of this 22 year old man's life and his like documented, like really breaking down the science of how he did it and why and all that.
Jerred: Yeah. The, the only thing I couldn't pick up that I wish I would have picked up from the study was a lot more of the. Why why he started and decided to get so competitive and aggressive like I didn't get as much of that from from this, you know, every did you did you find that in there? I didn't see. No, it was pretty much just the science sum up.
Yeah. And so I, I know that's that not normally what science cares about, but it would be nice to know if like, Okay. He had a grandkid and that inspired him, or if he, you know, just decided one day, or maybe that was when he retired. And he's like, what am I going to do with all my free time? Like, I have no idea on the why he [00:19:00] started, because to me, that's the most important question to be answered.
Because if you do have anyone in your life who is older and does not exercise, you could talk to them about exercise until you're blue in the face. But it doesn't matter because if they won't start and stick to it, then that's the problem. So I'm, I really like to know the internal motivators here. But other than that, let's kind of break down a little bit about the, how impressive this guy was.
Um, so they call him a world champion indoor rower, but he didn't start rowing until the age of 73. So obviously he was rowing in age specific, uh, rowing competitions like age brackets, right? Um, just so everybody knows, it's not like he's out there crushing other world competitors, uh, 50 years younger than him or anything.
Uh, but still. Impressive none the least, he won titles at World Rowing Indoor Championships in 2007, 2017, 2021, and 2022. So, also the [00:20:00] span of those is pretty insane to me. Um, because Like 2007 all then like he didn't win another one for 10 years and then he won one in 2021 and then as recently as 2022. Uh, so that was really impressive.
It looks like, um, he, you mentioned concurrent training, resistance training was a big part of what he did. Um, and then he would also row at least 30 K per week, which is not crazy in my opinion. Like, I mean, I think it'd be, it might be hard for some people listening to this get it in 30 K per week, but depending on how you break it down, that could be.
Three days of training, or it could be five days of training where you do some, you know, do it every single day. Um, so he did a lot of resistance training. He would row at least 30 K per week. And he thought it was very important to have a high protein diet, which I think is something that, especially as you age is incredibly important.
[00:21:00] Um, and his, his VO two max was. Um, congruent or better than, uh, people, the age of 25. Yes. Values reported for individuals around 25 years of age. So his VO two max was on par with 25 year olds, probably not 25 year old elite rowers, but like just 25 year olds who, you know, have a, uh, naturally high VO two max and do some training.
Um, What else did you get? Anything else that I may have missed?
Joe: Yeah, I like the high protein diet was really cool. And he has a very pretty high muscle mass for his body. And he was but he's still sitting at 15 percent fat mass, which I think is a pretty good ratio. That's like in a really healthy category.
I think I probably sit around that. But just thinking about like we've talked about in other studies about older people, as you get older, lean mass goes down. And. You know, non lean mass, whether it's fat mass, [00:22:00] whether it's just whatever else would go up. So like that is pretty, pretty important to, um, to highlight and something to strive for.
He also, so he's 75 kilograms. That's about 165 pounds. What I, what I put, he's eating 24, about 2400 calories a day. That's pretty significant. That's about like, that's all close to my maintenance calories or something. So he's eating a lot. And I think that's also important because he's he's rowing. He's he's needs that nutrition, all that, um, that protein.
So it's not just like he's getting on a rower. Like he's he's dialed in. They said he's been extremely consistent with his diet for that entire time as well. So those are those are kind of some some really interesting points that I wanted to make note as well.
Jerred: Yeah. And just where did the man I'm just going to ask that question in my mind until I can reach out to him, like just what It doesn't make any sense.
I mean, he was a baker and a chemical operator. So, and he started rolling at 73 and then all [00:23:00] of a sudden he's like, and no doubt me, I mean, he probably had discipline. Like, I don't know a lot about bakers or chemical operators, but from my own assessment, baker has to wake up early. Like the baker has to like, yeah, start early in the day.
So like probably had a ton of discipline. Already chemical operator probably need a ton of attention to detail. And then he's just like flip this switch because it did say he had no, no structured training before the age of 73. It's not like I'm trying to get to the point where they talk about that specifically, but yeah, he had no, like, uh, he did not engage in any structured training or exercise.
His background includes working as a baker and a chemical operator before his retirement. Yeah. So anyway, he didn't he didn't really exercise. I'm sure he was just focused on his job. I think being a baker is probably fairly more active than like a desk job. And I don't I mean, I don't know anything about what a chemical operator does.
[00:24:00] I actually tried to look that up. Yeah. And it sounds like a plant job kind of to me. You know what I mean? Like, yeah,
Joe: it doesn't sound like like, um, he's not like he was a Technically, or I don't know if it might be technically blue collar, but nothing like really high, um, labor intensive, but it might just be like some sort of machinery or I was even thinking like, like, uh, uh, like a driver of something of some sort of machinery, um, Baker, I mean, Baker, you're on your feet a lot.
You're moving your hands a lot. You, you are, you are doing things, but you're not like lifting weights or anything.
Jerred: Yeah, and then, and I also think he selected a phenomenal activity, to be honest, because I don't think we'd be, we would be, uh, reading or talking about Richard Morgan if he had picked up running, and I know I feel like I'm picking up running, picking on running a lot, but I, I just, realistically, Um, running is tough on your body, just like that, that impact [00:25:00] force.
Um, it's, it's not a low impact activity. And like we were just talking about with the air dying, air dying is something that you can go really hard with a very low risk of, you know, It's like very hard to get injured on an airdyne unless you like go so hard, you slip off of it and fall like I feel like that might be the only real way you can get injured on an airdyne and it's similar to rowing like it's very hard to get the only thing that you can really hurt on a rower is, is your hands like from being on the row or too long, you get blisters or like whatever.
Um, so these low impact, um. Places like to, to exercise or to do your aerobic conditioning or something to keep in mind too, because like I said, I don't think we'd be reading about him if he had decided, Hey, I'm going to run because I think at picking up running at 73 year old, 73 years old. While I don't think it's a, it's a bad deal, it's.
It's he probably had a harder, a little bit harder on his body if he was a plant worker and Baker, um, and then to [00:26:00] like, go run probably too much on his body. And he may have like, end up hurting himself and coming back from an injury at 73, I can only imagine like, that's, we're not talking like. A couple of weeks, we're talking about a couple of years if, if you heard something.
And so I think he also made a phenomenal choice at the exercise, his exercise selection, choosing rowing. That's just, that's a great idea. And I don't, again, I don't know what spurred him. He made all the right choices. And I don't know, like,
Joe: it's just crazy to me. And like who advised him on like, like that, the intensity splits, did you go much into that yet?
Like, cause no, that was like, Yeah, so like he, he did 70 70 percent of his training is at low intensity. 20 percent of his training is at high intensity and only 10 percent is at max sprint intensities. And like to like, I'm curious as to how he reached that because that's. Kind of what we do. I mean, not, maybe not as much low intensity or probably do a little bit more mid, um, than just low, but still like, that's, that's a [00:27:00] great breakdown.
Then the two days of resistance training and his resistance training was the reps were close to failure. So like probably one or two reps in reserve, which also we've read several studies, which say that how great that is for, uh, for, for training.
Jerred: Well, it makes me wonder if you just think about it. Like we're, we're relatively young.
We've been training from a young age. Um, and we're looking at the science and how to do things, uh, you know, to the best of our ability. And so we kind of follow these rules and everything, but I think as you age, to be honest, what probably dictates his training is not science or mental toughness, I bet it's just energy.
And so I wonder if he wasn't advised by anyone or he doesn't have like a son or daughter who happens to be in like strength and conditioning and gave him the basically the perfect program to follow and told him about his diet like I feel like maybe he just this was intuitive [00:28:00] because if you think about it, I'm just trying to think put myself in this situation if I'm 73 and I put you know, yeah.
I'm like, all right, I'm going to start rowing and I might just be like, I'm tired most days, so I'm just going to go, go easy. You know, that's what I, I know. Honestly, like, that's what I think may have happened. He's just like, and then he has that one day a week to where he's like. Okay, I'm going to go hard today and it's going to kind of equate to these breakdowns that you're talking about.
So part of me thinks it was just intuition. And then same with lifting. Um, I remember when I first started lifting, like first ever session, uh, my dad had this old bench press, um, in our garage that we had bought. No one ever used it. It was super cheap. I mean, like you probably couldn't load more than, you know, 150 pounds on this bench without it breaking.
It was just like, it was like those
Joe: plastic
Jerred: weights that have like sand in them or something. Exactly. I think that's exactly what it was. It wasn't a real barbell. Like if you loaded one side, just like five pounds heavier than the other [00:29:00] side, the bar is going to flip over. Um, so really low quality setup, but either way, when I decided I was going to work out.
Um, my, one of my first training sessions was on this bench press. I didn't really know what to do. And so I would just go to failure every single time. I did like five sets to failure. I just would get on the bench press. I would with no spotter. I would bench till failure till I could not lift it up again.
Then I would lean the bar over, let the weights fall, flip off on both sides. Cause it's not like, I'm not bench pressing like 300 pounds, right? It was probably like in all reality, maybe I have no idea. Maybe it's 50 pounds. Maybe it's 30 pounds. I have no idea. Uh, could have been 60. I have, I don't know, but either way, it wasn't like dangerous to me back then.
It was just like, well, I don't have a spotter. This is how I'll get the weights off. And so I would just flip them off both sides. But my whole point to that is. Intuitively, I was just going to failure every single time. Cause I didn't know anything about rep ranges or percentages or weights or anything.
I was just like, Well, I assume I'll just go [00:30:00] until I can't anymore, you know, so I'm I just wonder if every all the decisions he made other than nutrition just on the training side. I wonder if they were intuitive. He could have hired a coach or something like that. But on the nutrition side, I don't think nutrition is intuitive for almost anyone.
Like, I don't think yeah. Eating a lot of protein, like maybe to some degree that's intuitive, but the fact that he ate as many calories as you're talking about, and he was sure to get the enough protein, um, I just feel like he, he had to have been coached or read something. It's not like he can't go read a book.
Right. I'm not saying it just, where did it all come from? He made a lot of great
Joe: choices. He may have one distinct advantage because he's so old. He's probably not on social media. He's probably not getting over too much information. He's probably going back to what he heard in the seventies and was like, you know what, I'm going to do a little bit of this.
I'm going to do with a little bit of what I feel. I'm going to ask a few questions and then that's going to be, that's good. Yeah.
Jerred: That's where like back in the [00:31:00] day, if a fit guy in the gym told you something that was gold, you write that shit down. That's like, yeah, that's probably what he's like going back.
He's like, Oh, I remember this guy said this thing and I will never forget it. But apparently he didn't really go to the gym that much back then. Alright, anything else from this one?
Joe: No, there was one quote that I thought was kind of cool. It says that the training regiment undertaken by him for his 20 year engagement In rowing could be described as pure middle and concurrent.
Jerred: specifically use concurrent a hundred percent
Joe: strength training, super important
Jerred: there.
Joe: The, the only, and then the one negative that I alluded to earlier that I wish I wish they did was no blood work. Not even like cholesterol, not not any sort of blood work. I wish like that would have been the simplest thing.
Just, hey, take one time, just take one cursory fasted blood panel just to see what what your what your levels are just for just to be for interesting. It wouldn't really matter that much, but it would have still been interesting because I'm sure he's in the very, [00:32:00] very good side of everything.
Jerred: Yeah, maybe drew the line at blood work.
He's like, Nope, not doing it.
Joe: Yeah.
Jerred: So anyway, I kind of want to end with just talking about my biggest takeaway here. Yes, it's concurrent training, but also the real biggest takeaway for me is it's never too late to start. Okay. The dude started at 73 is winning world championships up until 92. Right. This is just incredible.
Um, so if you have anybody in your life, um, like I said, we all do. You just try and encourage them to, to get started, you know, and I know I'm going to continue to do the same. And I pulled some people like in business too, um, who got late starts and just to kind of add fuel to this fire. Like, so Richard Morgan here who we're talking about, obviously in the fitness world, started at the age of 73, did amazing things.
Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald's. He was 52 years old when he. [00:33:00] Joined McDonald's and ended up stealing all of their ideas and, uh, profiting from it greatly. But anyway, he started when he was 52. Um, Harland Sanders. Do you know who that is? No, uh, Colonel Sanders KFC. He started at the age of 65. I didn't know his first name until I looked it up.
Uh, so I thought I'd quiz you. It's a fitting first name. Yeah, he didn't, he didn't start until the age of 65. Uh, let's see Charles Flint, who's ultimately the father and creator of IBM. Started at 61 years old. Um, Arianna Huffington, Arianna Huffington, um, started the Huffington post at the age of. So she was 55 when she started that in 2005.
So just, uh, some pretty interesting things. Like it's never too late to start, um, whether that's fitness, whether that's business, whether that's your side hustle, whatever it is, it's never too late to start. And I think if you have something that [00:34:00] you want to achieve, something you want to go after, you have to follow all the principles that we've talked about on this podcast for years, killing comfort, getting good at doing things that you don't want to.
Yeah. You know, one day at a time, get a hundred days in a row, like build from there. Just like, keep, keep going. But ultimately, if you're listening to this now and you are, you know, a little bit older, don't let that discourage you. Doesn't mean that you just have to train, um, Like the young guys but you can do something you can get out there and do something and then also if you want to Start something in in business or venture or whatever.
There's no reason that you you can't get started today and be successful But that's all
Joe: I got so in Seven years when Liz retires from the military and we moved to Texas Jared That's when you and I can really start working on something. That's when it
Jerred: that's when it will really start to shine Like I just warming up, I'm saving myself to be honest.
I, I don't want to, I don't want to burn out too early. Um, and in all honesty, I feel like I've kind of done [00:35:00] that. Throughout my life like I mainly because I can't like my kids are like my governor like I can't I've never been able to well I mean I've always had kids ever since I've been an entrepreneur at least and then same with uh, I haven't always had kids since I've been training but like I've had kids for a long time now and they I would say they have, I don't want to say they've held me back, but they've limited me, like they've been my governor from, yeah, from going overboard essentially, like, because family is so important to me that I don't work these super crazy hours as an entrepreneur.
And I don't, I don't have time to train. Like I just finished all that ultra training. I barely had time to do anything that I was supposed to like a three hour long run, a two hour long run. No, I don't have time for that. We have games that start at 8 a. m. on Saturday. Like I just don't have time for these things and I'm okay with it.
Could I make time? Sure. If, could I sacrifice my health to stay up later and wake up earlier? Sure. [00:36:00] But I don't want to, you know, I've always kind of had that governor being my kids. And so they probably saved me from, uh, from quite a bit. Well, we'll get, we'll get out of here. Hopefully you took something away from this one, send it to friends or loved ones.
Um, if you want to be a part of our training, what concurrent training is and can help you be. Complete badass up to the age of 92, at least go to garagegymathlete. com. Sign up for a free trial. We'd love to have you. And then for any of our athletes doing the training, hope you're enjoying the cycle, especially all of you who are on the hard to kill track.
I know I am happy to be jumping back into that from where I have been. A lot of fun, a lot of new things to be working on, but that's it for this one. Remember if you don't kill comfort, comfort will kill [00:37:00] you.
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