Can Mix Grip Deadlift Lead To Injury?
Hey Athletes! This week we look into asymmetries in the deadlift. If you want to dive deeper on how mixing your grip can lead to asymmetries then don't miss out on this week's episode!
Episode 130 of The Garage Gym Athlete Podcast is up!
Can Mix Grip Deadlift Lead To Injury?
This week, we have our favorite four coaches back at it again! The study looks at the asymmetry of a mixed grip deadlift at both low and high weights. The coaches talk about how this can impact your training overtime. Next, the coaches talk about focus goals and how they implement them. They even give some tips on how they set them and dive into the Daily Over Decades challenge! Lastly, this week's Meet Yourself Saturday workout is Fat & Sugar. We like to call this the Marco workout...if you listen till the end you'll know why!
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- Asymmetries in Deadlift
- Focus Goals
- Mixed Grip Deadlift
- Fat & Sugar
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Diving Deeper…
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Study of the Week
Garage Gym Athlete Workout of the Week
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To becoming better!
Jerred Moon 0:03
Alright ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage mathlete podcast Jerred moon here with Kyle Shrum, Joe Courtney and Ashley Hicks. How's everyone doing today? Fabulous? Yeah, so I want to hear don't give me the real, real problems. You know? You ever tried that on somebody? All right. How you doing? You're not not great.
Ashley Hicks 0:23
But I have to be honesty. I hate. I'm fine when you're not fine.
Jerred Moon 0:28
Yeah, but it depends on like the situation because if you're like at a Christmas party, and hey, man, how's it going? I haven't seen you in a long time. Like, things are not going well. Do you want to follow up? Okay, well, then let's How can we know? I'm like you, I would dive in. I'm like, ready for deep conversations? Yes. Let's talk about why things aren't going. Well. I want to talk about that, not how the weather has been lately. Yep. unseasonally. Hot. Okay, well, I guess we could get back on topic with some science here. We're talking about the deadlift today. So we've been getting a little bit too much love on the squat, you know, the bow, I love what we've been talking about, like, all sorts of different squat variations. I mean, I don't care about a squat for at least two more years. Oh, calm down, we're gonna go into the deadlift today. And the name of the study is high load with low repetitions versus low load with higher repetitions, the impact on a symmetry in weight distribution during deadlifting. I thought this was a very cool study. Joe found it. And, you know, good work on on locating this one. I thought it was cool, because I just agree with like, so much of what they're saying. And I feel like, you know, sometimes we're talking about I wish a coach would like oversee it. It's almost like they were even like, the idea of the study, because there is a lot of research that you can develop a symmetries. And they are pointing to literature saying like, you're gonna have these imbalances or differences from heavy loads done repeatedly. There's a lot of like, scientific studies backing that up. But they're like, is it you know, is it more just heavy lifting? Or is it lighter lifting is it just the movement itself, does deadlifting lend itself to an asymmetry that could lead to an injury. And so these are kind of some of the things that they were trying to uncover, they had 10 participants, so it wasn't a massive study, they had to be performing experience with performing the deadlift, and no history of back pain in the previous six months. More or less, the, it wasn't huge, and there wasn't a lot, but they they did look at a lot of cool stuff with, they would have them lift on a was a ground force reaction played or whatever to, to see where their feet were on are like, where the pressure was on their feet, when they would lift all throughout the entire lift. I've actually used machines like this to test balance and other things. And it's really cool to see. One of them, they one was just testing balance when I did it. And so you stand there, and you're in this, like fake scenery, this isn't what they use necessary. But the one I did, you're in this, like fake scenery, it's like a, like, not virtual reality, but you know, like you would be they could place you outside, right? But and it's got these screens that go all the way around you. So you they can distort your balance, right, they can distort, like, the horizon and everything else. And then they see what happens to your balance when you're doing that. And what's crazy, is my balance was pretty good. And then they're like, Okay, close your eyes, and they just left everything normal. And the second you closed your eyes to you, it feels like nothing like you, you're like, what my eyes are closed, I'm standing here, but then they show you on the ground force reaction plate, like all the lines and stuff, the second you close your eyes, they start going crazy, like all of your your muscles start firing to try and keep you balanced, because it doesn't have a frame of reference for you to see anymore. And these things are micro, like, like I said, when I did it, I couldn't even tell that I was moving. But then they show me the data. And they're like, yeah, the second you close your eyes, you know, your, your balance starts going crazy. And the reason I bring that up is because that's that's tiny, like I close my eyes, I have muscles firing, I didn't even know are firing, they can tell because these, these gauges and instruments are so sensitive. Now let's just put that in the lens of deadlifting right there they're doing there are things going on in the you're dead lifting that you are completely unaware of. And they really just want to uncover if you know, where the asymmetries could develop, and I won't get too much into the programming the programming to me was fine, because they equated for volume across the high load low rep group and the low load high rep group. So they equated the volume, which I thought would be really important in a study like this, like in my brain before I even start reading. Like I hope they equated load and they did. And so that was really cool because there Not a lot of pushback on it being poor programming poor study the sets and reps I thought were good. And then they essentially found
that the heavy condition was less symmetrical than those in the light condition. And the light condition and less became more symmetrical. Set number increased. So it's almost like as you practice the lifting, you got better and better at it. So yeah, ultimately, what we take away from this, not is just that, yeah, heavy loads, can cause a symmetry, light loads, not not as much. And we can kind of talk about other things, when to study in our own observations. So what do you guys think?
Joe Courtney 5:39
So at first, when I picked the study out, I thought it was gonna be about something completely different. That was gonna be more of a strength than and loads and stuff. But I'm glad that where it went about how, basically about how doing the switch grip, and the deadlift. So one hand over one overhand one grand for deadlift, which is very, very common for people, how that can lead to a symmetrical imbalances and your back and everything. And I definitely have a lot more anecdotal things to say toward the end. So I'll just wait till everybody else goes, but did things that are things that I want to note about this actual study that I liked was, they tested a five rep max to eat to find out their one rep max, so they didn't have like a one rep max test, they did a five rep max, and the five rep max that they chose was a five rep max before any form breakdown. So if there was any sort of back lumbar flexing or things like that, then that's where they cut off the five rep max. So you know how you see some people that, you know, they can pull some weight, but their backs doing some janky stuff, they actually had a five rep, good form, Max, they equated to a one rep max. So I thought that was really cool. Versus just doing a true max out.
Jerred Moon 6:52
And that's something that we preach constantly, like, especially during fit week, we're like, it's a it's a one rep max with perfect form. That's what I always say, it's not. Because we, when we first started PR shirts, it was a dangerous looking Facebook, he's not gonna lie. It took it took a couple months of the proper athlete briefs and Facebook Lives and everything else to get the the community together and like, Hey, if you're not lifting it, right, it's not gonna count. Like you can't care that much about the free T shirt. You know, you got to you got to keep your spine healthy. But sorry, Joe, go ahead.
Joe Courtney 7:25
Yeah. And the results for today, they found that the lighter lighter loads had to had more. More asymmetry, more imbalance. But out of the 10 participants, one got bounced, and it's because he bounced the weight. So one of the protocols for the lifting was after they did each rep, they had to completely pause at the bottom, so that each rep on their graphs would be completely separate. So they could distinguish of it. Well, that one person and normally we never know, you know why somebody gets gets kicked out of the study. But this one I found was really cool. There one person that got kicked out of study is because they did like touching go. So they say he bounced. But basically it was a touch and go and they found they still measured his asymmetry and his was like six times worse than the people that were actually like pausing. So touching go was resulting in way worse asymmetry. And just think about how you might deadlift and how most people deadlift if it's more than one rep, you're probably touching and going. So that I felt was even though they I liked that they left it in there. And even though they they countered handed that person out of the results was very interesting to me. But before I get into anything else, I'll pass it off to Ashley.
Ashley Hicks 8:42
Well, even going with that, like I thought about too, when they said the load had a touch all the way down to the ground, how many people to when they get done, like let's say it's 10 reps, you get done with your 10 rep and then they stand up at the top and then drop it, you know, so fully finishing the rep. So I like the study to a ton because it talked about we talked about obviously like the less symmetry with heavier loads and you talked about the mixed grip of it. But I found it interesting to like it talked about it increased like tilting, which if I ever you know when I get heavy, I know I mixed grip, you know I try to stay just both hands the same way for a while as long as I can. And then if I'm going heavy you know I chocolate which they talked about, they included chalk if they needed it and whatnot. But I found that very interesting. And so it made me want to like video myself. I mean, obviously I know they're doing you know they have these crazy machines that are helping to like see this but I think maybe even videoing yourself would would would see like maybe Are you leaning one way, and I'm going to make sense, right? You're going to go more dominant when you're getting heavy, I guess. I don't know. But the thing that I found interesting too, is it talked about when you wanted to work on an asymmetrical issue, like if you wanted to focus on your symmetry and like trying to, you know, pull it with, without tilting without leaning, it said to lighten the load down to 60%, I think is what they said. But then they talked about how sometimes that that is an issue with people who it says a potential concern with recommending lower intensity lifting for individuals seeking athletic performance is reduced strength gains, right, because if you think you're only lifting 60%, most of the time, then, you know, you're not gaining that strength, because you're not changing, the percentage is going heavier, I guess. So it says to combat this plan variations and load and volume can effectively be utilized to instruct increase strength, and it just made me think about our programming a little bit like, you know, we plan out, you know, the amount that you're doing, the volume that you're doing, as well as the variations in the percentages that you're doing. So that way, you have those strength numbers. But I think it's a good idea to like, take it down a bit, and maybe focus more on your technique and form when you can
Kyle Shrum 11:13
pile. So there were, there were several interesting things here. I read that that one of the participants was wearing a white belt. And they didn't, they didn't tell him not to the footwear was not standardized. So everybody was kind of wearing whatever footwear they want. They wanted to you had the one guy who was doing the touch and go reps instead of the rest at the bottom, those kinds of things. And I thought it was cool. And I thought it was good, that the researchers didn't prevent people from doing those things, they just kind of, well, let's see if this kind of helps or not, you know what I mean. And the white belt apparently didn't, it didn't change anything like it didn't make it statistically significant as a statistically significant difference for that one participant who was using it. As far as like symmetry and things like that. The, I would have liked to have seen some standardized footwear. And we've talked about that before about having like a good hard soul shoe when you're dead lifting, or even dead lifting barefoot, or with just socks on or something like that. So you can really drive that force into the ground and you don't have the spongy foamy soft shoes that are absorbing a lot of that force. And so I kind of would have liked to have seen that, you know, added to them added to the protocol. But I did, I did like to see that it didn't really make a difference for these people. That that the the shoes weren't standardized, and that they still were able to measure their asymmetry in things like that. I did pull that out as well of like, the bouncing the weight, kind of like what what Joe said the touch and go reps. Something else that they noticed as well was the most asymmetrical rep in every set was the first rep. And I think anybody who has any experience with deadlifting would kind of agree with that, like your your first rep is just kind of like, Alright, I'm getting into the flow. And then after that first rep especially like with other lifts to find that as well. Or like, like strict press who did strict press yesterday, and like once getting that first getting that first press up there is the hardest one for me. And then I can get in a rhythm of getting it going. But but that's that's kind of what I saw as well was that first rep and I think anybody who who has any experience lifting kind of knows that. Anyway, I would I would like to see this same study done with some more advanced lifters, people who are more used to, like accommodating for those things and can maybe even like sense those things. During a set of like, Man, I'm leaning a little bit too much to one side or something like that they're used to accommodate I'd like to actually see if they have any asymmetry at all. Like as as far as like the longer period you spin lifting or the more experience that you have lifting. Does that asymmetry kind of go away? Or do you kind of keep that even on into on into more and more experienced lifters as they're lifting more weight or getting more reps or things like that? Like, I would like to see if advanced lifters still kind of have the same issues or if it's just kind of going away because of their experience. But yeah, I thought it was I thought it was really interesting to see this.
Jerred Moon 14:29
Yeah, I mean, just my opinion on that question. I think advanced lifters would have significant asymmetries that they have just learned to deal with. And they mentioned some study the other studies they had looked at to where their asymmetries do not affect performance. Like that's that was one like there you can still athletes can still do what they do. Football players can still be great power lifters can still lift a lot and asymmetry is not going to make you worse. fairly, it's the only real thing is like it can lead to injury. And I think that's why when a powerlifter, like has an injury, it's like catastrophic. It's not like, one, the loads are ridiculous too. But I think that they probably, they have a slight asymmetry, and it's built up over years and years, and they've just worked around it, then all of a sudden, you know, boom, like something, something blows up, or ruptures or whatever the case is, that just be my opinion. But I would love to see that study as well. Because I think seeing professional power lifters go through it, I'd either like to see like, oh, yeah, they have a base level asymmetry that most lifters have. Or if it's like, significant or or reduced, I think that'd be really cool to see. Um, one cool thing I pulled out of the study was how they equate equated the cumulative external load to their one rep max. They're having people lift 15 100% of their one rep max, at in volume, if that makes sense. So you take your one rep max, you take 15 100% of that, and that'll be the total volume that you lifted. I've never thought to program that way. And that's it blows my mind. But the one thing we don't know is if this was an effective program, either. So that's I don't know if it worked. And but it's very interesting, because what we use is I know, which is intensity based off number of lifts. And there's calculations to look at these things. And what that does is it helps individualize it per person. So we're not getting too crazy based off percentages, we program for athletes. But this is a very, I know, it's not easy to do it along. Long story short, I know there's a lot of calculating to do I know. And we have spreadsheets and stuff that can help with that. But this would be way easier to program if it's effective. From what I saw on the programming, it looks baseline effective, right? Like you can sets of 80% or whatever set 10 sets of 60%. Like that, these things look look like they would they would do well. So I thought that was really interesting had nothing to do really with study, I just found that an interesting programming technique. And then just kind of my, my view of this, it doesn't change what I've kind of always thought and light loads are practice. Even if they're dynamic effort. They're their practice. So every single warmup repetition, you do every single light load that you do, it should just be perfect practice. And then heavy loads are magnifying glass. And we've talked about this before. But heavy loads are definitely a magnifying glass, they are going to put stress and pressure on every area you cannot run you cannot hide you cannot accommodate. Something will be found. If you have an asymmetry and imbalance, like it will come out when you add heavy load to it. So if you're getting your your lower back hurts when you do a heavy back squat, or your knees starting to hurt when the load goes up. You're already identifying these things for yourself. There it is not, oh, that's just the way I am like, yeah, my knee hurts when I start to lift 90% of my one rep max, it's like, no, your asymmetry or imbalance is becoming more apparent at a heavier load. And you need to do something to correct that. And so that's something I've always felt heavy load is just like, it's the ultimate test of like, how what kind of shape your your body is in.
And so it really brings a strong case to me for our D load weeks. So not only do we d load, but we're doing our body geometry programming during D load. And so you're able to practice you're able to back off, you're a like, a big part of body geometry is to avoid imbalances, like that's why it's it's an existence. So we can try and working work on different planes and movements, things that aren't always, you know, the same plane of movement, how a lot of programs to be honest program, because they don't even, they may not even be aware that there are multiple planes of movement, some of the fitness influencers, other people follow, they probably never heard of that they might not also know there are different types of muscle contractions. And so we kind of take those things into account and program them every fourth week in our programming to keep people balanced. And then I think if you if you're feeling really unbalanced, this is probably just a good time to mention it. Our human program is coming out soon. That's what we call that if you watch the webinar to listen to that podcast. And that's like the point of this for our newer athletes. It's an onboarding and indoctrination process for our veteran athletes, no matter your fitness level. It's a reset. It's, it's getting, it's fixing imbalances. It's seven weeks long, like it'll, it'll do that it'll help you and just reset just go through the whole program. If you feel like you keep getting these, like nagging injuries over and over again, yeah, heavy load is very uncomfortable and like a painful type way. Go go for the human program reset and, you know, get get better. So those are just kind of like my anecdotal thoughts about this. I thought the study was awesome. You know, it leads gives us a lot of good information on making sure that we continue to do we're doing we're just programming heavy with dynamic efforts to make sure that we're hitting both of those things, but then every time You're doing dynamic effort, making sure you're having that perfect form each and every single rep.
Joe Courtney 20:05
Yeah, one of the things that I wish they had on this study and they could anybody that if this is recreated over other athletes, I wish there was a control group for double overhand for symmetrical deadlifting just to see if they're if they're how the difference was it what you know, if there's a baseline to see, even if even if there were people with asymmetries that didn't didn't lift a double overhead or mixed grip, because the the, the imbalance and asymmetry comes from the mixed grip and get into get into my side tangent and anecdotal stuff is I switched from double from mixed grip to double overhand grip four years ago. And I haven't looked back, because I just feel so much stronger. And I was I was noticing that even though you can switch your grips back and forth between sets, I was favoring one side. And I noticed that my mid back and upper back strength was starting to break down a lot earlier in my deadlift. And I just felt like my former starting to suffer, I didn't feel as strong or as tight, even though I could hold on to the weight and grip the weight, it was other parts that were breaking down. Now my only limiting factor is my grip strength and everything else is strong, and I can pull more. It's just my grip strength that fails and I'm okay with that I can I'm okay not maxing out and having a you know, get getting my deadlift super high if everything else is in line. And this reminds me of probably the best from a coaching standpoint, the best gym that I had ever been to. And I know most a lot of CrossFit places and gyms get bad reps. But this is across the gym with phenomenal coaches that whenever we would deadlift you were given to you had to grip options to deadlift, you can either do double overhand grip and just do your sets like you normally would. Or if you did mixed grip, you had to set the bar down, switch between every single rep and then regrip and pick it up. So you can't you didn't do touch and go and you were altering your grip every single rep and picking it up, complete dead stop, so that you're completely balanced the entire time. And it was one of those things where I'm like, Well, I don't want to reset every single time. So I'm just gonna do double overhand grip. And that's what I did. And that's how I just started doing it. And I just felt like that was such a good precedent because they're like, We don't care about you pulling this max weight, we want you to still remain balanced, remain, you know, no injuries, no, none of that stuff because you're wanting to be a total athlete and not just pulling heavy weight. So to get into I guess we're getting into killing comfort is I think everybody should be trying and doing double overhand clean grip, like you do your hook grip, or whatever, for deadlift. And if you need to go switch grip, don't do it to like maybe your 90% or so. But even so, you should still force yourself to commit to the double overhand grip. And do that for a long time because it'll build up your grip strength, but it also it will make you much more, much more stable, much more stronger in your back and your entire posterior chain. Because when you when you mix grip, you're externally rotating your shoulder and that's kind of turning off some of the muscles on that side. And you have to compensate somehow. So that would be mine.
Jerred Moon 23:12
Well, we're gonna have to get into now everybody has to talk about how they deadlift. So I got to ask the other coaches on the podcast. Are you doing double overhand? Or do you do mixed grip actually
Ashley Hicks 23:23
mixed and I favor right hand goes over left hand is under when I do it, which is why I think it's good to switch it up. Because I know that I favor this.
Jerred Moon 23:34
Kyle Shrum 23:35
Yeah, it's the exact same for me, I didn't make screws, and then right hand over and looking
Joe Courtney 23:40
weird I always favored for right and under right hand under left hand over when I used to do it. I don't know why
Jerred Moon 23:48
time. So I I do your left hand over right hand under when I do mixed scrip but I feel like I'm in between Kyle Ashley and Joe, I do a double overhand until my grip is my limiting factor. And then I switch to mixed. And I don't actually normally recommend that for athletes because I'm not as worried about imbalance because because of how I do it. Like if I had to look at my total volume 90% of my volume is probably double overhand and then 10% or less is mixed. So I'm not worried about an imbalance or asymmetry as much. The biggest I think real danger with mixed grip is a torn bicep. And that if you don't know what you're doing, I feel like it's very possible. There can be no flex in that bicep. Like everyone has to understand that like yeah, like and it happens to people because you're just you're just straining, right and if you're not real good at controlling your body through heavy loads. all you're really doing if you're inexperienced, I'd say less than five to seven years. Okay, so don't just lump yourself into this experience, guys. For less than five to seven years of lifting, you're probably just straining. And you don't realize that you're partly trying to flex your bicep against, like 350 pounds, whatever your deadlift max that you're going for your biceps going to lose that battle every time. And it will lose big one time to where it detaches and rolls up to your shoulder. And then you're going to the emergency room and a lot of physical therapy afterwards. So that's the dangerous part of that, and why beyond what Joe is saying, I was trying to put in a much scarier format of why you probably shouldn't be doing it. And the only reason I even do it, like I said, is if I'm going to max out, which is probably the worst time to do it. But I just feel comfortable at this point like, it's, it's like, well, I feel like I can do it, I feel like I, I don't strain that bicep at all, I have basically dead arms when I'm doing a deadlift. And so I'd make sure that they're just perfectly straight, like all they're doing is hitting, holding there. But the other the alternative here is straps, just put some straps on and your, you can just that grip thing goes out the window. But again, straps or a mixed grip should only come in to play when your grip has failed you and you can no longer hold on to the bar. And I don't think I have very good grip strength because that doesn't happen. Like it happens. We get into like, anything at 5% for more than a couple reps and I'm having having issues and then it's worse when it's humid and hot outside. It's like I can't hold on anything. So anyway, noncompete
Joe Courtney 26:40
would also talk about the bicep tear as well. Yeah, once I would,
Jerred Moon 26:44
I've seen it. I've seen it a couple people and I'm like, Oh, I don't ever want my bicep to look like that. It's pretty bad. No, thank you. Alright, any to everyone go through killing comfort with this, Joe.
Ashley Hicks 26:59
Yeah, just Yeah. I was gonna say actually film yourself. Well, I said, maybe switch if you're doing mix scripts. But since we're talking about how dangerous that is, I'm gonna pivot that to my other one, which is film yourself when you're when you're doing certain lifts. I always think it's good for all lifts, but and maybe kind of look for those discrepancies. You know, for mine for deadlifts, I haven't noticed necessarily tilting, but I noticed that I lift with my butt first. And then with my hamstrings, and that weird. So I'm still working on that. But and then for even that, I guess another killing comfort would be maybe lower your weight and see where you can actually like fix those discrepancies with that lower weight. And then try not to add that heavy load until you can do all reps with good technique, Kyle.
Kyle Shrum 27:51
So from a coaching standpoint, I think there's a lot of killing comfort tips that I would give here for the deadlift. Because I think that I think that we kind of when you watch when you watch kids, like young kids, like my kids can deadlift perfectly. Like they can pick things up off the floor perfectly. They just, they squat down, they pick it up and they stand up. And it's like kills me kind of lose that we kind of lose that as we as we get older and we become adults. And so when people start first start deadlifting there's a lot of things that they
Jerred Moon 28:18
you may want to foster that because when my kids pick up a kettlebell, it's pretty scary. So yeah, like, your kids have this like natural ability.
Kyle Shrum 28:26
Your kids are older than mine. But that's true. They haven't lost, they haven't lost it. My kids haven't lost it yet. Yeah, but um, what the one thing that I would say, and then I pulled specifically from the study was, do your frickin warm up before you do deadlifts. And I think and it made it pretty clear that the more reps they did, the more symmetrical they became. And as in their, their symmetry didn't break down as they continue doing more reps. And as the weight got heavier, they actually got more symmetrical as the weight got heavier. And as the more reps they did, so go ahead and and especially when they would that point that I made earlier of the first rep and each set was the least symmetrical of the whole set. Get those warm up reps in before you start doing your working sets, so that you can get everything warmed up, you know, so that you can make sure that you've already gotten your symmetry down and you're you're getting the most out of your reps. From a symmetry standpoint, and you're not overcompensating on one side or, or with one muscle group or something like that. Make sure that you're you're doing your warm up. That's yeah,
Jerred Moon 29:35
I that actually was mine as well. So I was gonna hit on warm up sets. I think that that's really important when lifting to Kyle's point that he brought up in the study. That first rep is always the worst strip and you can eliminate that by progressing properly, like and we put that in there for like fit week and stuff when we're trying to walk you through that but in a regular training session, we might not Not you might see your first if you're skipping the warm up, asterisk. So you'll just see your first block is like five reps. 80%, right? Well, there was a warm up, that's supposed to happen before you get to that. And we always have that program. So make sure you do that. So that that's my same killing comfort. And we programmed those warm ups. And it's because as you become more advanced and fitness or more experience, should I say, you, you forget how much people don't know how to warm up. I was I was reminded of this fact, when my brother first started working out with me again, like the first week, I would just be like, Alright, we're gonna do like a 10 minute warm up, you warm up, I'll warm up, like I wasn't leading it, it was just like, oh, we'll go to the workout together. But like, let's both warm up separately. Once you feel warm, we'll meet up for the training session. And he would basically do nothing. He'd be like, okay, touch my toes, he like, take, take my PVC pipe and like, do some random stretches that don't make any sense. And then I'd be like, we're squatting today. And you're really focused on loosen up those short shoulders, like, what? What's going on here? You know, and so that's when I started immediately, it was like, Okay, well, I'll just start programming, or making sure that we're going through the program warm up, or some version of it together. But I do tend to forget or lose sight of that as a as a coach, like how important it is. I'm glad that we program those things for people, but don't as an athlete think that you've graduated to being better than warming up for some reason. Like, it's like, Yeah, I'm pretty. I'm pretty advanced. And I think this is more of a theme that I'm seeing, the more experience you get, the more you take for granted, what you're actually doing, you know what, like, when you work out, especially in any of our training sessions, physiologically that was a big deal. Like, what you just did was a very big deal, what your body just went through is a very big deal. So one, you should be prepped for it. And then two, you should focus on recovering from that you didn't go on a walk, it is just like go walk around your neighborhood. And you're like, you know, let's call it good, I'll eat whatever the rest of the day water, who cares? Like you just did something that was significant to your body, even if you don't realize it, even if you don't feel that tired, I don't care how advanced how much experience you have, that was a big deal, what you just did. So you need to make sure that you're warmed up for that. And then you're also focusing the rest of the day on recovering from that drinking enough water, eating enough food, all those things. And it's easy to lose sight of how how big of a deal training actually is physiologically and the second you lose sight of that you start to get in trouble. And you start to you know, going back to last podcast, maybe you start under eating because you don't realize what your training is, or maybe you stop warming up, or maybe you stop cooling down for because you've just gotten so used to it just being a part of your life. But it's a big freakin deal. So warm up and make sure you're ready for your training.
Ashley Hicks 33:01
Sometimes block zero, even the warm I mean, even the warm up, I tried to in my brief say, hey, maybe warm up to the 85% Even though you did block zero, you know, so start out lower, even if it's taking you a little bit longer time, it's worth it.
Kyle Shrum 33:18
Yeah, so like with fit week, or just on like on max effort days or something like that, especially for fit week when we're doing major barbell movements, you're working sets will be a set of five instead of three, and then sets of one. So we're building in warm up sets, and you're working working sets. But you also have like Jared said, you have that warmup. So for me, anytime I'm doing barbell work, even in the middle of a cycle, just a regular Tuesday training session or something, if I'm if I'm doing warm ups, like that year that we did BCT everyday that we did squats, my first warm ups, it is an empty bar, like that, you know, and it's like, it's like I'm warming up with an empty bar. And it's like, it doesn't matter how much weight I'm going to be using for the for the working sets. I'm warming up with an empty bar. That's my first warm up set. And you'd actually be surprised how, you know what can be revealed to you by doing you know, 10 Empty barbell squats, you know, in warm enough, you can be surprised that things start popping or you know, things are hurting, you know, it's like, Man a nice, you know, it's yeah, it's like, it's like, it's like Jared said, you know, you know, thinking about recovery and things like that. But like, anytime I'm doing barbell work, my first set is an empty bar doesn't matter what what I'm doing so and then I'll work up from there. I'll do like an extra two or three warm up sets before I get to like on max days, the warm up sets of the one of the working sets, you know, I'll do like two or three before I even get to there just to make sure I'm not set more.
Ashley Hicks 34:50
All right, clearly we like to study. Yeah,
Jerred Moon 34:53
that's a good study. Let's get into the topic. It's right at the beginning of the year, probably Good time to discuss it. We're cutting it into goal setting in general terms is just what I'm, that's what I'm prepared to talk about. And Joe has like some really specific, like how to stay focused on a goal. And I think that's really good. And I want to talk about, like I talked about goal setting with a lot of people all time. And so I just have a lot, maybe too much to say. So I'm just going to kind of put in my, my highlighted points that are most important. But I'm really big on goal setting and keeping things going throughout the year, especially like the daily over decades challenge we have right now, like, that's a phenomenal goal. But you know, bringing that into even something closer, you know, like, it's okay to do something like that, but also have a goal on top of that. So how do you juggle something like that? These are the kinds of things that we want to discuss today. But, Joe, what do you want to go first on this one?
Joe Courtney 36:01
Yeah, just to give a little background, also to my thinking toward this. And so the daily over decades goal, that is a process goal, which is always always what we talk about is like the number one thing that you should probably try and focus on as a process goal. But we also have gone over a lot of studies on the mental aspect of it, whether it's being, you know, the visualization or being dialed in and focusing on what you're doing. And so what I want to talk about or have, and if anybody wants to do this for the cycle, I would I would encourage is to have three focus goals and prioritize the number one, the number two and the number three. And with these focus goals, it is, you know, I try and make mine specific, but you can kind of see what works best for you. Is for the next cycle for the next 12 weeks or however long. What are you going to be mentally focused dialed into visualizing because like, every day in every workout, we're not always going to be dialed in, we're always going to want to work out the motivated or visualizing through that. So that's why I say the priority to you know, what are you going to be focused on the most? Okay, that's the number one thing okay, what after that are you going to focus on the second most you know, and that is, when this comes up in a workout, you are going to really be into it mentally preparing yourself like you should like obviously, you should always try with your workouts but you know, mentally focusing on those moments and really push yourself on those moments. And then the second most thing so for example, this past year, when I got when I was working on my back squat for the past year, I knew the entire year that I was focusing on my back squat. So anytime any back squat day, I was like completely dialed in and checked in even if I had to, like reorder my workouts for the week. So if I was like, feeling a little a little lackluster on a Monday, squat day, I'd move that to Wednesday and depressing on the beginning of the week, because I wanted to completely be focused and dialed in on the squat, because I knew that was my number one focus goal. And any the accessory work, I was completely committed and dialed in mentally on any sort of lower body accessory, because I was thinking of the squat. And like I still did all the other workouts, but this is just for my focus mindset. Point. So that's kind of the background of my logic toward this. And it's something that you can write on your whiteboard. And it's it's should be fairly easy to implement. But as long as you're getting mentally dialed in for these focus goals. So mine is going to be I guess we're just gonna say our so my top one for this next cycle is going to be increased my running load. So the focus for there is if I can have whether it's a spare day or end of a workout day, I just want to increase the amount that I run. Now this isn't like running faster, this isn't me, I need to increase my mile time this is just I just want to add some miles some running to what I'm doing that's going to be a focus for if I have extra time, or on like rest days or some other day would be increased my running loads. After that, I still want to maintain my back squat. So once again, when it comes to lower body and back squat days, I still need to be focused on maintaining my backside because I didn't work for an entire year for my back squat just to lose it. So I would consider going to try and get keep dialed in on my back squat. And my third one would be upper body strength because I know or upper back strength specifically because so that so this is when a goal can play into IT folks will complain to your warmup. If you have a focus goal that is pull ups, then maybe every day or every other day you should be doing pull ups or some pull up accessory part of your warmup because every little bit for that will count and it's not actually altering the workout is just you're just adding a little bit more emphasis to it to your normal workout. So upper back strength pull ups and that because I know my shoulder still had some some issues and I want to get my ports back to what they used to be. So
Jerred Moon 39:52
that are you going for the five by 500 Just like be real. The what five minute mile 500 pound back squat.
Joe Courtney 40:00
No, it would be like, it would be like, it'd be a foreign sub six. I do. I do. I do have that on my mind. So I, a year ago I was I was
Jerred Moon 40:10
like there's an outcome goal leading because you're still kind of in the process goal. And I'm like, where's the outcome? Like, what's the output he's looking for? So it's four or five plus, what if so, what's the mounting sub six? Okay, so like, which I was I it's 559, four or five?
Joe Courtney 40:25
Okay, yeah, I was I only need like, 15 seconds on one mile wood from the last time that I tested. But it's been a while since I've tested. But I also want to do it within the same day.
Jerred Moon 40:35
Hope Well, gonna get me all fired up again, Joe.
Ashley Hicks 40:39
T baby here. We gotta break his back.
Jerred Moon 40:43
No, no, I'm, uh, I'm not gonna break myself. Again.
Joe Courtney 40:48
I'm taking the long the long approach this? Well, so
Jerred Moon 40:51
my, and you guys kind of know that. I've had that approach, like, getting serious on my squatting days, and I do additional running. And I'm just kind of going to see where it goes. Not. Not in a I have to get this done in a year. That's what broke me last time because I was trying to fit probably three years with the volume into 365 days. And wasn't good. So I'm taking a three to five year approach, see, see where I end up. But that's not my goal at all. So sorry, I just was curious. But what you were where you were headed with that?
Joe Courtney 41:23
It's kind of like a way further down the road. But I this is just the next 12 weeks is what I'll be focusing on? Cool. All right, cool. Okay.
Kyle Shrum 41:33
Oh, okay. Well, I misunderstood the assignment a little bit, I guess. So. As far as like, so I guess my my, my biggest goal that that I wrote down was the 300 training sessions. Because I'm going to go for that this year. And so I guess I can still focus on that. I guess. I could just, yeah, I'm making sure every day is focused on getting the training session, that one's gonna
Joe Courtney 42:01
read, it's there. That one might might change, depending on who you are. Whether you need to focus on the minutes or focus on the calories. Yeah. Good, depending on remember?
Kyle Shrum 42:10
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So and then, kind of like you, instead of increasing run volume, I'm gonna increase cycling volume, just because I bought a bike, and I don't ride it. So I feel like, and also, I just, I just, I really don't like running. You know, what, I did BCT for a year, and we did a lot of running anybody's thing. And I got more used to it, I got more used to it. I'm not, I'm not some time off of them all the time that that was great. You know, it was great, but it's still like, I just, I just don't like it. So I'm gonna try to replace, replace, kind of like what you were saying on rest days, and things like that doing more, more cycling, instead of running. And then number three is body composition, just really kind of, but that's, yeah, that's a it's just a goal of mine, like an hour, I guess an outcome goal more than a focus goal. I didn't really zero in on how to focus on that. But if that was an outcome goal that I set, so that's what I need to figure out
Joe Courtney 43:16
that focus. It could be whenever you make food, like your food choices, is, if it's a if it's always what to do. Yeah, if it's always on your mind, you're always focused on whether you write it on a board or something. And you're always seeing it like, yeah, you know, maybe I should have, you know, this instead of this.
Kyle Shrum 43:32
Some of the things instead of all of the things,
Joe Courtney 43:34
some of the things that all the things. This has been diet advice by Kyle.
Kyle Shrum 43:42
I have my own little segment. Right, Ashley?
Ashley Hicks 43:47
And he's the CTE coach.
Joe Courtney 43:48
Yeah. Great advice. So some of those things, not all.
Ashley Hicks 43:54
Everybody's jumping on those calls. Yeah. So I'll talk a little bit about goal setting for me is not easy. I, I I'm a planner. I'm very organized, but I'm not a great goal setter. I've never been a great goal setter. So actually, this is uncomfortable for me. So when we talk about killing comfort. So it's actually something that I've challenged myself to do. Actually, Jared has challenged our team to do almost every year we we talk about some goals, and he even has these great sheets that we can work on. But something that helps me a lot because I am a planner, like having a calendar in front of me. I don't know why but that kind of like settles me. And so I can look at okay, these are the next three months. This is the year and I'm talking about goals in general. I'm not just talking about our our fitness goals, but it can also help as well, right? So I also set a time limit for myself. So I'm not just sitting there like dwindling, like Oh, I'm gonna dwell on this for forever. I set a time limit like, okay, take 15 minutes, take 20 minutes, and let's kind of let's kind of focus and then the best thing for me is thinking bigger picture, and then working my way in to the smaller focus. I can't start out small and then get to the whole year it that stresses me out a lot. So I have to kind of figure out big first and then kind of narrow it down. So for this cycle, I'm focusing kind of on Joe's point two running. But mine is more zone two conditioning for myself, I have kind of gotten away from that I do zone two stuff, I'm always in zone two or zone three, right? So but then, like, I've kind of gone away from an extra zone to conditioning. And so I kind of want to add that. So kind of like Joe said, like on a rest day. Or if I have more minutes that I need for my goal, that I can add some more zone to conditioning and running and rowing are the only two things that I can really do. Because I don't have a bike. Maybe if I just talk about it on the podcast a little longer, it'll show up at my front doorstep, we'll see. That yeah, you know, it just dies. And then the car talks about the 300 goal, mind 200. So that's what I'm setting myself at. I said the competitive nature in me wants to do 300 level three, I don't want to rower I want a bike. But realistically, with my limitations, I know that that's just not going to happen for me. So I'm setting myself at the 200. And I'm definitely going to be focused in on that. And the great part about that is we've all kind of talked about this as a team a little bit, but I like to write everything down. So now it's going to be a new habit of writing down my minutes, my calories, everything like that. So gonna focus on that. And then lastly, I'm on the strength chat. So I haven't maxed out actually, in almost a year, I was looking back. And so my numbers are not far off from what they were when I was, you know, not on this limitation. And so I'm excited to see like, on the strength track, like can my numbers get back to that, and I'm sure they can but but
Unknown Speaker 47:12
that's not a Jo
Ashley Hicks 47:15
Jo, and I drew how much I focused but I don't really have like a number. And I mean, obviously then the my last Max, which is 215 on my back squat, but I don't have like a, I really want 250 pounds by the end of the year or something like that. Just more of like, I'm more mindful, I guess of the strength. And I may even do two full cycles of strength because of it before I go back to my home, which is harder to kill. So
Joe Courtney 47:41
that's probably the best way to go about it. Yeah. Jared?
Jerred Moon 47:47
Yes, my, my goals are a little bit boring. I'm really going for the the 300. If anyone's curious about this 300 200 thing we're talking about, for some reason you haven't picked up on it yet, go to daily over And you can check out what this challenge is all about. You can pick it up at any point in time that you would like. But I'm not adding anything to this personally, but I might after the first 12 weeks. So that's it. That's it for 2022 is I'm trying this because I think it's going to add a level of discipline to my training that I haven't had on very long time. Because 300 training sessions for me in a year is about standard is about average that's going to happen almost doesn't matter. Unless you know, something like some sort of accident or serious illness came up. That's the only thing I see me not getting 300 sessions. But then the two layers beyond that, to me are are crazy. 300 300 calories is not the hard one for me. Because mainly because I wear a Garmin and it just straight up tells me the calorie so I know I just need to continue doing work until I hit 301 or whatever. 300. Like that's easy, because I'm already working out. So the sessions in the calories I don't think it'd be the challenge part, the time is going to be the challenging part for me, because I never really tracked it before. And like if I had short a couple of short training sessions on vacation in the 300 that would have been fine. Like I did for 30 minutes sessions. I was on vacation. That's not gonna fly. And that 300 minutes per week, right? And so I originally started this 300 thing because
that I set that as a goal several years ago. I don't know if you guys remember when I first said I want to do that. Like that was the only thing I was tracking. And then it kind of came off the back of Murph because Murph gave you that at least once per week. If you guys also remember when I did Murph weekly, it was on Saturday. There was no like, Oh, I'm traveling, I'm gonna have to knock it out on Friday or I'll get it do it when I back get back on Sunday. Because I didn't want the ability to shift things around. I wanted to also train my discipline. And so that's why it had to be on Saturday and what made for that is waking up at 3am Sometimes when your flights at 6am to get Murph done, because you know that there's no way in hell it's happening later in that day, because how much travel you have, or getting back from some sort of sporting event with your kids at 845 at night, putting them to bed and then knowing you still only have a few hours left in the day to get Murph done, because you didn't do it in the morning, like you're supposed to, it adds this level of discipline and grit to your life. That is good for you, in my opinion, you know, and I think that's what's going to come back with this 300 challenge, because I know, I'm going to get two weeks, where I've probably hit the training sessions, and I've hit the calories, but it's going to be Sunday, and I'm going to be like, Alright, I have to train 20 more minutes, 65 minutes this week, because I traveled or whatever. And I have to train 65 minutes today. And it's the end of the day, and I just have to get it done. I think it's gonna bring that level, like I think most weeks most standard weeks where it's just me at home, garage gym training, like, it's going to be fine, but there are going to be those weeks. And I have a lot of travel scheduled for 2022, where it's gonna be very hard to where it's like, yeah, I'm waking up early on vacation to get it done, or I'm staying up late to make sure it gets done. And so that's why that's the only thing I want this year, because I think it's gonna be hard enough. But the way I really look at this though, and the reason I might add something on top of it, if I'm feel like I'm really got it really dialed in, and it's not as hard as I thought it was gonna be, I just need to really pay attention to things, I will add something like, you know, cycling, run volume back squat, something like that. So the way I look at this is a process go like that 300 or 200 is you, you've started a fire, right. And that's about all you've done, you have a fire, you can chill, and you can just get warmed by the fire. That's kind of my plan right now, right. But you can do a lot of other things with fire, you could cook food with fire, you could forge a sword with fire, like you could do a lot of crap once you have the fire going. And so that's what I feel like this challenge really is, is it's the fire. So if you can get that fire going and keep it going for an entire year, you could easily add taking this fire and turning it into something else using that energy to get a bigger bit back squat using this energy to run faster mile times or do something cool. But none of that's going to happen without the consistency part of the front end. And so I think it's gonna be really hard challenge for me. But don't think that you can't do multiple things. So to break it down for cycle Gokhan like Joe's talking about. It's 75 training sessions and a quarter, right like, so I got to hit five training sessions per week, and they had to be certain times are my calories each and every single time. And to Ashley's point, she's like she had there's this new habit of like journaling and tracking. I had to immediately eliminate that because I knew I wouldn't do it. I was like, No, it won't happen. Like, I'm not gonna, if I had to track this manually, it will not happen. The tracking of it, the work might still happen. Yeah, the tracking of it's not going to happen. Like I'd have to go back once a month and spend two hours like looking at Garmin data to be okay, I got it all. And so the reason I spent like two days training session, I, yeah, sounds easier, I won't do it. I was just like, it's not a habit for me, it's not going to happen. And so that's the reason I spent two days making this an automated, maybe one of the most advanced automated and tracking ways you could keep track of the 300 thing with Monday and Zapier and like all these crazy software we're using, but now once I hit Done, Oh, I hit done on my Garmin watch, I'm done. Like it's all tracked. For me. That's that's what I wanted. And so now it's off track. But that's how funny. And I mean, just really say how well I know myself at this point. Because that's two different things. That's not I'm trying to do the 300 challenges, I think already gonna be challenging for me, it was gonna be the 300 challenge. Plus, I need to pick up this new habit of journaling that I don't do. And so I'm like, I can't have that I can't have another thing. I only need the one thing
I can have. Here we go. Well, that's how humans work. And I've seen people enough like to where this is for you. Actually, you don't see it because you've been journaling religiously for years, like you're really good at it. But for someone who doesn't do it, I even tried picking it back up. Because I used to journal my workouts and I stopped once I started taking pictures of the whiteboard and stuff just to have like a record of things. And that's about all I'll do max now take a picture of the whiteboard, or a screenshot of like team builder, something like that just for record, but most of the time I can just look back in team builder now. So it's really, I'd say discouraged me team builder has discouraged me from keeping any sort of physical log, because I'm always like, I could just go back to that day and look why why am I writing this down? And so that I really don't have a big Y for journaling anymore. So know yourself is my biggest point of that in your goal setting what you are or are not capable of. And I think Ashley is very capable of doing the 300 but she knows realistic given, you know, her stage of life and everything that she's doing, she needs to be in the 200. But I wouldn't be surprised if you hit 250 or 275, or something like that and going for it, you know, but she's being realistic. And I think that's great for everyone to think about. If you're, if you're tackling this challenge, you know, what is what's possible for you, and knowing that you don't have to hit all three levels, like, you're, you can hit any level of any of this and you'll, you're going to be better off for it. So just know where you're at, because four training sessions a week for a year is still hard. Like, I brought this up to my brother, I'm like, do you want to try this challenge? I'd probably put you in the 200 category. And he's like, that will be really tough. I'm like, Yes, it will be really tough. And people when people see they realize how hard it really going to be. Um, but the last thing I want to say on that I brought this up to Emily, and I was like, you know, it'd be really cool. If like, money were no object. And you could, you could, like, do this for people to see how motivated you could get them. Because I understand that sometimes you need an extrinsic motivator for people to like, take action. But if you dangle a carrot for long enough, and it just turns into a habit in their life, that would be amazing. Right? So what I think would be really cool. Everyone here this is hypothetical at garage gym athlete, financially committing to what? Samer but you have to commit to the 300. And you receive $1,000 For every training session you complete, but only if it's completed at the level and version of the challenge that you committed to at the end of the year. That's $300,000. Okay. Like think about how many people would enter that challenge if we could do that. Who if we could financially put on a challenge like that? And you know, maybe we only have one winner like like the the rower itself, right? We're giving away a roller but I was telling her I would love if we could do something like this where you're gonna get $1,000 per training session, you have to complete everyone that'd be tracking, we'd have millions of people sign up for this thing. And then one person wins. 300 grand, cool, awesome. You got 300 $300,000 But then, you know, 100,000 people all developed the fitness habit. And I'm like, Yeah, I'm sorry, not sorry. Okay, like you didn't win the money. Someone else won the money. But you're going to live 15 years longer. Congratulations. Probably more important than $300,000. Anyway. So anyway, that's where I want to take that challenge one day if we if we can. Then I mean, you don't get it done, right. We'd all do. You'd all have 300 training session. No problem. If that was the financial.
Ashley Hicks 57:37
I mean, that's like all of our dreams getting paid to actually work out. That's pretty great.
Jerred Moon 57:42
Yeah, it's like being a professional athlete. But only if you win. Exactly. All right. Well, we can get into unless anybody has anything else on goal setting. No, no, no, myself. No. Yeah. All right. What's the workout? Oh, this week?
Joe Courtney 58:03
And green sugar. The one that we let Marco get his hands on.
Ashley Hicks 58:07
Yes. You're
Kyle Shrum 58:09
the one that proves we're not letting Marco do that ever again.
Joe Courtney 58:12
Yeah. So
Jerred Moon 58:13
I still have Memnon abdominal snowman. But
Joe Courtney 58:18
I still have the original proposed fat and sugar on my Garmin because that's the one I actually did every time because it's the only one that I'm going to do. So
Jerred Moon 58:27
I got the actual workout and does his own version of
Joe Courtney 58:32
I had already agreed upon the original terms. The original terms Alright, sign the contract. Oh, god. Yeah, yes, it was one of those. I'll take the deal now. Kind of like Deal or No Deal. I took the deal. Marco came in already did the deal. I was done. Okay. So, anyway, alright. So fat sugar repeat the following circuit you will do eight minutes zone to run bike in zone two is 60 to 70% of your max heart rate. Then you will do for at Red at the eight minute mark. You will do two minutes of zone four or greater burpee pull ups that is 80% of your max heart rate or higher. And you will do that circuit until you have totaled 100 burpee pull ups. Wearing a competitor's wear a 20 pound vest. At the end after you once you reach that 100 burpee pull up mark, take a five minute rest period tally up how much time is spent outside of zone two and zone four. So eight minutes into the two minutes in zone four plus that would be zone three or zone one. tally up how much total time has been in that and for every minute you are in the other zones. You will do 10 burpees penalty burpees so obviously you will need to hurry tracker for this one. And if you don't have a heart rate tracker then you're automatically doing 100 burpees. Yep. After the five minutes. Even if you have a heart rate tracker you're still doing it you just don't You just just, you can just say like, yeah, you know, I decided not to track it because I wanted to challenge myself. I didn't know if I was out of those zones, you can just say face and do that. That's fine. What do we got?
Jerred Moon 1:00:13
I? Well, I saw I think it was Stephanie Peterson posted. It wasn't fat and sugar, I don't think but we posted like a zone fluctuation workout recently. And she posted a screenshot is in the last couple of weeks of like her going from zone zone flexing up to four and down to two or whatever. Like I think I had it hard to kill as like a run. I can't recall the exact workout but she like skipped three. Like she just did it as like I think it said like zero seconds in zone three is like less than a second. She went from two to four. So we should probably actually get her on here. Yeah, for some tips about how to skip a zone. But it was legit. That was that was Apple Watch to like the the zones app so that like it was it's legit. But stuff can be done is My point isn't one so? Yeah, tips. Kyle.
Kyle Shrum 1:01:04
So to perform like Stephanie Peterson, you need a be a beast and be have been a runner for 25 years. Yeah, that's how that's how she does it was a good tips.
Jerred Moon 1:01:18
Those are process called tips. Yeah, absolutely.
Kyle Shrum 1:01:21
I think she's the only one that has a heart rate that could rival Joe's that could probably beat Joe's heart rate. I would say for this one. It takes a little brain work. And it forces you to pay attention, which I think is cool. And definitely makes me meet myself just like trying to calculate everything and all that kind of stuff. And think about pay attention to the heart rate zone that I'm in and all that kind of stuff. And, and there's small recovery things that you have to do during the workout to get down in the zone before you can start doing your work and all that kind of stuff. And so that's kind of where I'll meet myself is, is trying to make sure I'm doing the work in the proper heart rate zone and things like that. And so that's kind of what I like about it. But also it's, it's uncomfortable for me because like when I'm doing a workout, I don't want to use my brain. When I'm working out I want to like that's why I write it on the on the whiteboard. That's why I don't have my phone out while I'm doing it, you know, all I can like, I'm turning my brain off and I'm doing the work. But this one kind of forces you to pay attention and to be intentional. And so that's what I like about it. And, and I say at the end was however many burpees you have to do at the end, if you have burpees to do at the end. Do them quickly. Just get them done. Don't Don't be lazy with it. Don't you know, I mean, this is the end of the workout. You know what I mean? You're you've done all the other work, knock out the burpees and get them done and get the get the workout over with Don't Don't be lazy because oh, I have to do burpees it's like, you've just done a ton of burpees already. So like just do more of our base and be done. Anyway, those are my point. Ashley,
Ashley Hicks 1:03:03
I'm gonna go tag on on the wearable thing. Like even if you do have a wearable sometimes wearable fails you that's what happened to me with this one. And I'll never forget you're a dancer, which was soldiered where it was just like, Yeah, your wearable might fail you and I know this. Now, can you change your mindset when it fails you and keep going? Are you going to get so pissed off that you just stopped you know, analogy?
Joe Courtney 1:03:27
Technology. I'm just like, this workout sucks. It's not happening.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:30
You're not even doing the real verges so
Joe Courtney 1:03:34
this is any day anytime. Yeah.
Ashley Hicks 1:03:36
But I mean, it was that like mirror that I needed for me to be like, Gosh, he's right, like no, I'm not gonna stop like I'm gonna do this right and so even I just remember my zones didn't even upload to the zone app because it was so jacked up that day and it was a brand new watch. So I just did the 100 burpees so that's my advice is like if you don't have a wearable or if your wearable fails you whatever just get this done. Just do the 100 burpees it's fine it's one workout and yeah, try to enjoy it and try to push yourself on this
Kyle Shrum 1:04:13
you'll pass out before you die that's what that's what my football coaches always told me oh my gosh it's terrible
Jerred Moon 1:04:23
I think what you got high school football coaches I think created bro science like yeah yeah yeah so my tips for this one yeah the anything anytime we have heart rate monitor stuff involved I do factor that as part of the meet yourself is like Yeah, might not work or the Yeah, the the chest strap might be uncomfortable under the weight vest like I you know, I don't I don't care like Yes. Yeah, these are these are part of the things that you're you're having to deal with and if that lead thing is getting to you just maybe think about that for a second, right? And then how you can reframe that conversation. Because I, for some reason, like you all just mentioned, pretty much is like technology can can get to us. Because it should just work, right? It just needs to work. Don't get in my way, Don't slow me down. And my brother and I went for a run a couple weeks ago. And he normally just walks in and I run, depending on the workout. And I was like, You go ahead, I got to set up my heart rate monitor real fast, and I was having massive problems that day. Like it wasn't working. And he ended up getting like 15 minutes ahead of me. And I was like, that was a significant amount of wasted time. You know, just trying to get this to work. But it was more like I was already three minutes into this and knew like, you should just abandon this and go for the run, like stop and go, like just go. But there was a part of me that's like, no, must be solved. No, yeah, this technology is going to work how it's supposed to work. Yeah, that's how I feel. And so that's, I don't know, it's just really funny. with anybody who uses tech, like that's, that's a big part of it. But as far as getting through this, not a not a lot of tips here. It's so it's programmed in such a way that you just can't do much like the only thing that you have to talk or think about is like, how you're going to accumulate those burpee pull ups. Because you might be able to find like a set rep number for you that, you know, you can fit into those two minutes. When you're in the proper zone, you're accumulating an amount you want. Because you can't just be like, You know what, I'm gonna do five burpee pull ups each two minutes, because you might not be in the proper zone, right? There's so many like, fluctuating things there. But maybe try and find that sustainability repeatability thing, even though it's at this higher intensity with an exercise that sucks. So maybe that's 10, maybe that's 15, maybe that's 20 burpees, whatever you can do both of those burpee pull ups, in those two minutes is the only thing I would focus on. Because the rest of it's pretty, pretty simple, right? You can't do much else. And then yeah, 100 burpee cap at the end. Like Kyle said, I would just go through it as fast as you can. And have fun with it. I mean, you're getting so much fitter by doing those extra burpees. So like, congratulations on being able to do extra burpees and getting those extra burpees you're really in a phenomenal spot in your life to be able to do that. And these are the things that we should reflect on in this workout. Look at the opportunity
Ashley Hicks 1:07:28
that we've provided for you
Unknown Speaker 1:07:31
to become to become a better one.
Jerred Moon 1:07:34
What an opportunity. That's how you should really walk into every situation. Opportunity for what we don't know. But there's growth on the other end of it. Alright, I think that's it. Anybody have anything else? Let's get out here set some goals deadlift properly, don't blow out your bicep and get some great all
Joe Courtney 1:07:56
the things and some of the things
Kyle Shrum 1:07:58
oh that's my contribution to the podcast. Over an hour's were the conversation, and that's, that's
Jerred Moon 1:08:10
a one liner that can be remembered is is a job well done my book. That's why I'm here. Alright, so if you want some amazing tips like this, and you know, be a bigger part of the community, go to garage mathlete comm sign up for a 14 day free trial. Again, we have the daily over decade challenge that can be picked up at any time doesn't matter if it's January 1 February 19, to or even February 31. It doesn't matter when you want to start. Get right. And whenever you want to start, you can start the challenge and so go to daily over That's really just gonna take you to a different part of the garage mathlete website. And so you can go find out what we're doing, how we're doing it, definitely get involved, if you're picking it up late, and sign up for that trial if you haven't for all of our athletes. As of recording this, I think we have we're getting close to 300 Ironically, people who had signed up for the 300 200 challenge, and I think that we'll have a lot more as we push through. So good luck, everyone. take on that challenge and thank you for for being a part of it. That's all we have for this weekend. Remember, if you don't go comfort, comfort will kill you
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