Choosing Your Own Weight Can Lead To Greater Strength
Hey, Athletes! This week we look at auto-regulation vs. linear progression for training! Tune in to hear how choosing your own weights may lead to greater strength gains!
Episode 123 of The Garage Gym Athlete Podcast is up!
Choosing Your Own Weight Can Lead To Greater Strength
On this week’s episode the whole team is on the study. The four coaches are covering a study that looks directly at linear progression versus auto-regulation aka choosing your own load! The coaches give their takeaways on this one and give you a way on how to Kill Comfort with this one. This week is Thanksgiving week which means Better Human Friday is coming! The coaches go over their top 3 picks of the deal and why you should look into them! In keeping with the Thanksgiving traditions, this week’s Meet Yourself Saturday workout is the Geo Metro Challenge. Give this one a go and see if you are more powerful than a Geo Metro!
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- Better Human Friday
- Auto-Regulation
- Geo Metro Challenge
- Thanksgiving Week
- Linear Programming
- Tips For MYS
- Updates and Announcements
- And A LOT MORE!!
Diving Deeper…
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Study of the Week
Garage Gym Athlete Workout of the Week
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To becoming better!
Jerred Moon 0:02
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the garage mathlete podcast. We're all here. Let's get started. I've been working on the intros and I think that's the best way just to go straight into it. Let's do it. by everyone. I mean Kyle Shrum Joe Courtney Ashley Hicks, or the only girl in the galaxy. Or EO three. Yes. Uh huh. Just looking at names on zoom here. When we do this on YouTube, when we posted YouTube, or the names on honest, I can't recall. Yes. Oh, man,
Ashley Hicks 0:34
that's even better. Oh,
Jerred Moon 0:35
yeah. So awesome.
Kyle Shrum 0:37
I have not been utilizing this.
Jerred Moon 0:42
Button. Alright, here we go. The study that we're covering today is auto regulatory progressive training compared to linear programming on muscular strength, endurance, and body composition in recreationally active males. So I've been thinking of doing this for a while now. I'm kind of calling myself out on it. One time, we're going to get on the podcast, and I'm going to read a study you guys didn't prepare for as the study we're doing for the day. And just just just to see if you didn't, if you even catch it, it's not like I think you'd be super thrown off. I think you guys just probably don't even read the study name because neither do I. I'm just saying I don't normally read the study names until we get here. Like I read the study. But the study names I'm like, Oh, this is the long ridiculous title they gave this study. Would you honestly notice? I would not have
Ashley Hicks 1:34
said the wrong study name. It would probably make my heart skip a couple beats. Yes. Cuz I haven't pulled up when you start reading it.
Jerred Moon 1:39
Yeah, I don't ever read the title until we actually start recording. But I read the entire study. If, if that makes sense, because I
Kyle Shrum 1:45
would automatically assume that I had read the wrong study, I would freak out. I would not assume that you were making a mistake. Howard must assume that I made a mistake. Exactly. Because Jared doesn't make
Jerred Moon 1:56
mistakes. So that's why Oh, man. All right. Well, let's get into it. Big picture what they did in the study. It says auto regulatory, progressive training. So they just kind of let people regulate themselves. We've talked about auto Regulation A lot when it comes to rest times. Recovery. Training, in general, like moving days around, we've taught talked a lot about this auto regulation. And I love talking about the topic because it should comfort any garage, gym athlete, you know, who wants to move days around who isn't having the best day or whatever you can typically still see results is what a lot of the autoregulation stuff comes up with. Versus linear programming. So linear programming, very common. We do a lot of it too. So it's just everybody knows what a linear progression is, if my son would know how to do linear progression, if I asked him to put together a strength workout, because it's just like, Okay, if you listed five pounds this week, how much do you lift next week? Seven pounds, 10 pounds, right? Okay, you figured out linear progression, like it's that simple. And you can do it with almost anything. So they were there 24 men with at least six months of resistance training experience, who completed the study. And we can get into the exact style of training, I thought they are actually quite different. So the fixed linear progression training, they just increase five pounds each week. In their in their strength training, resistance training. But what's up 5%?
Kyle Shrum 3:30
Five percentage?
Jerred Moon 3:32
What did I say?
Ashley Hicks 3:33
Five pounds?
Jerred Moon 3:34
I know. 5% increase?
Kyle Shrum 3:38
Oh, read the room study again. Yeah.
Jerred Moon 3:41
Yeah, it's it's basically the same but the study I read they did five pounds, so you guys must be and then it says the APR eat. So the autoregulation people perform sets set for to failure and research suggested the load used for set for based upon performance and set three for the performance on set for was used to adjust load for the following session. And that's about as detailed as I want to get into it right now, before we all kind of like, start picking it apart and what our thoughts were, overall, both groups improved is the biggest thing I want everyone to know, everyone improved. Alright, there's not necessarily one better than the other as far as like seeing results, so you can if you can stick to linear progression, you'll still see results. But the autoregulation group, increased leg press and Chesbro strength 7% and 9.8% respectively, more than the fixed linear progression group. So it did edge it out. But I have thoughts on that. So let's get into it. What did you all think?
Joe Courtney 4:43
Yeah, Everyone's a winner, but the AP ra group is the winningest winner, right? So the This is one reason why my first thought was one reason why we don't ascribe weights on tempo because it's kind of a go by feel self regulate to make sure you're getting the right intent and hitting those, the right? The right tempo, like the, whatever the the count is for and the right reps, so that you you are hitting that domain, because it's hard for us to tell you what to do for those. So you would would do your sets of what you know, the four second decrease and then up for five reps, you know, it's hard to say what you can do that efficiently for that. And then you can also regulate that on your own as you go through your sets. So that's why tempo, and a lot of people say, you know, how much should I be lifting for this? Well, that's something you have to kind of figure out on your own. And while most strength like the main lifts, we're going to give you percentages to base it off of we even say like the at times for fluctuating, especially if like, it's a dynamic effort at 75%, and you're not going very dynamic, then you can back it off a little bit to get the stimulus that we want. So we've had some flexibility in this. But I think, as I was reading more, I think it would be cool to go even deeper into this and to a sort of self regulation load to explore more in programming, which we can talk about more when we get more into their set specifics. And then like accessory work as well. That's another opportunity we give people to regulate on yourself. But, uh, yeah, it was, it was pretty cool to see the differences in them. I know, the main thing was that, because of how the sets were, pans out the linear progression set their handcuff to how much load there do, they're gonna do, they are on a set load. But the APR, he has more flexibility to if they can take more load than they're going to have more load. And therefore more load typically meet, you know, you're lifting more, and will typically to greater strength. So that's one big advantage to this. But that's what you can use to your advantage depending on what how you want to train. And I'm gonna I'm gonna say this point, even though I see it on everybody's notes, but I found it funny that they trained back squat the entire time, but they tested on the leg press. They didn't train on the leg press, but they tested one rep max and max reps at 75% on the leg press, which I found funny and weird. And I wasn't exactly sure why. But area over strength. Yeah. So that's my first run down through. But, Kyle, what you got?
Kyle Shrum 7:16
Yeah, I thought the the leg pressing was strange as well. Because that's kind of one of our, that's one of our notes, pretty much every time we talk about a study that measures lower body strength, right, because most of them use the leg press. And we're just like, well, that's just what they use, you know, but we we'd love to see more barbells. But they use the leg press, but then this one, like use the barbell during the training, but it used the leg press during the testing. don't really understand why. But it's just something to note and something. Something I noticed in thought was funny that they did that. But I just think I was looking at the the rate of perceived effort for the different groups. And this is something that that I that I always pay attention to, if they if they track it in a study, just the rate of because I think that it plays a big role in people's training. And the the APR group, the auto regulated group had higher rate of perceived effort across the board. So for every session that they did, it was it was higher across the board. Now the RPE went up for both groups over the eight weeks, which it should, because your weights going up, workouts are getting harder sessions are getting harder. But the auto regulated group had a higher RPE each time. And so I think that just kind of goes to the mindset that it takes to do this kind of this kind of training because it's like, like Jared said, linear progression, just straight linear progression is it's a tried and true method. People have been using it for years and years and years and years, like you're going to get stronger using linear progression, just slowly adding weight to the bar. But it's also it doesn't take a lot of brainpower, right? To do it. It's just like, This is how much I'm adding this week, put it on the bar, do the reps, right. But the autoregulation group, it takes a little bit more effort, especially mentally, and you're thinking about especially if you're thinking about the jumps they were making from set to set in the auto regulated group. They're using a six rep max instead of a one rep max there. And so the the jumps they were making in weight each time, it's like that can really play a play with your mind when you're doing that kind of session. And so to me, it's just kind of, it's a little bit more mentally taxing as well, not just physically taxing but a little more mentally taxing as well when you see that you're making these big jumps during your training session. So that was something that was interesting to me as well was the RPE difference between the two groups, actually.
Ashley Hicks 9:51
Um, so personally, I kind of love this just because of again, kind of how my training is going. I have to take something's down, intensity wise. But if we look at the numbers, like I know, we talked about that, obviously, linear progression obviously increases well, but I mean, auto, the auto regulatory beat out the linear progression every time in my, I don't know, for all the testing standards that they had. Um, they did test out one rep maxes, they said, but it was pre study, correct. And then they used that percentage of the one rep max, I think it was 85%. To then that was going to be their six rep max.
Joe Courtney 10:36
Like, they tested it again at the mid and
Kyle Shrum 10:39
four weeks. And then they did it at post study as well. Yeah.
Ashley Hicks 10:43
So they did that for both. So, um, what I like about this, though, is, if you are, you know, if you're training, if you're one of our athletes, and we're, we've got something prescribed that's like 85%, or 90%, you know, that's something that's kind of on the heavier side, or moderately heavier side. And if something has changed for you, you know, I guess, I'm going to kind of jump into my killing comfort. But my thing is, if you're at 5%, and you're like, This is not as strenuous as it is, for me, I would say, maybe kind of check that load and see maybe that day that you can actually like, jump up and, you know, add, whether it be 510 pounds, I'm not saying do something crazy, but make sure that you're kind of checking in like, is this moderately heavy for me? Is this what I'm supposed to be doing? Or what are what Joe was saying, you know, if I'm supposed to be dynamic, can I be dynamic? It's 75%. If I can't be dynamic, it's 75%. And that's what we're going for, then let me take it down. And let me change the number. So I guess for my killing company would just be don't make the percentages, such a strict rule for you. kind of play with this, if you if you can, I guess.
Jerred Moon 11:55
Yeah, I'm a huge fan of autoregulation. In training, I really like this study. And most of the ones we pull, if you've heard me on the podcast, say I don't like autoregulation. That's in reference to hydration and nutrition. I think that those are the only places you human being should not auto regulate. Because I don't think that people drink enough water and they won't eat properly if they do auto regulate unless you've trained yourself for many years to do so. Okay, so my only issue with the study was the volume. They the what we call it the a autoregulatory, a PRP group, the autoregulation group lifted significantly more volume than the linear progression. Yeah, and because they had these sets where they are going to failure. And so I mean, when you when you look at strength training, like if I were to do a linear progression, strength training, I'm not only looking at the intensity, I'm not going to be like, Okay, it's 70%. This week, 75%. In the next week, 80%. The next week, I'm also looking at total volume. And so what I would do in a wave, is if we lifted 10,000 pounds total in week one, I'm going to make sure that we're over that and week two, and I'll make sure we're over that. And week three, before we d load and the fourth week. That's how we do our programming. And so total volume, when you look at most strength training research in hypertrophy, that's a huge factor in seeing progress is volume. So while the APRV group outperformed linear progression training, they also lifted a good amount of volume more than the linear progression group. And so that was my only real issue with it. Otherwise, I think they are kind of comparing apples to apples here. But in my opinion, the best strength programs do both. So we do this in our one man, one barbell program. Jim Wendler does it in his program, it's some in the Westside method. Like you, you have the set percentages that you want to hit, because to me, those are, they're like sanity checks. It's almost like following the science, it's like, hey, we know if you hit 85%. Here, you know, this many times, you're going to get stronger, so on and so forth. But then there's this, like autoregulation set, like we typically call the moneymaker method, right? So like in one man, one barbell, we'll do you follow the linear progression, but then on your last set is an auto regulated set. So we have a minimum, we say, you need to get two reps at 80% here as your minimum, but do as many as you can. And so if you can do to Great, that's kind of the cap that that was our expectation for the day do two, but if you can do nine, because you're feeling really good that day, do nine, you know, go go all in. And so I really feel like combining the two is the best and that's really more what the AP Ari was doing in my mind that they they adjusted a little bit more because they were looking at set three to set for and then those sets based off this week, would actually The next week. So they're doing it more than we would in a linear progression with autoregulation. But I do think combining the two is probably the most effective way to go about it. Because if you're not feeling it that day, like if I was doing one man, one barbell, because I've done, I did a million pounds of volume and one man, one barbell with just three lifts only calculating was it press squat and deadlift with a woman barbell, I think it took me eight or nine months to hit a million pounds of volume. And I did that set every single week with every single lift where I just had this percentage, I do as many reps as I can. And they got incredibly taxing like a central nervous system standpoint. And so there'll be some weeks where I'm like, the minimum is good, like, two reps, one rep, whatever, four reps, like, I'm good with that, I'm not going to do more, but then there'll be other reps, other weeks where like, I'm doing 80% of my deadlift for like, 14 reps. And so it's just, you know, it would all be very weak dependent, like week by week dependent. So I think, overall, that should be really good news. If you're following our programming, like Ashley saying, and you need to make some adjustments, like you're gonna be fine, because I think this is like the third autoregulation study we've covered at least, I know we did. One on recovery times
Joe Courtney 16:15
has come up.
Jerred Moon 16:16
Yeah. And so like if you if you follow a little bit more the philosophy or mentality of like, live to fight another day, that seems to be the better approach and fitness in every regard. And there's always the slippery slope with that, right is like, let's not get lazy, let's still right, do what we need to do. Because I think that's the only only downside of that is like giving yourself too much leeway in the other direction. But as long as you're holding yourself to some standard, and you know, like you're making progress, I think that you're fine. Yeah, really great study.
Ashley Hicks 16:53
So I talked about like, if it was moderately heavy, and it's not moderately heavy for you, then right away.
Jerred Moon 16:59
And that's why I have talked about this before. Like, I think 90% of someone's wondering Max is like it's a fictitious number. It's like a It's not real, because you it if you were on your best day when you hit that 100% number. And today's not your best day, you didn't sleep that great. You're not hydrated, you haven't eaten any food, and you had a fight with your spouse and your kids hate you. You're you want your one rep max. Yeah, just laid on every possible bad thing. But with no with no significant illness, right. So that that is the only like, do you think you have this the same morning, Max on that day? Probably not. Right, probably are going to be a little bit more taxed. You know, and so that's why I think you have to look at those things when you're even calculating your own. And that's why I'm such a huge fan of a training Max. I don't think we probably talk about that enough. But I almost exclusively operate on my training Max, which is 90% of your one rep. Max. If anyone was unaware of a training Max. Yeah, just because it keeps you in the game that keeps you in the game longer. And then I did not break out my training Max when I did BCT. And, well, well, well, well. I was like, We got to go fast now. Yeah, it's bad idea. So anyway, yeah, that's all I have to say, for killing comfort on this one. If you do have more of that mentality that's like, this hardcore. never skipped a day never make excuses. Like, I get it. Like I there's a lot of that in me. But it's not science is not, doesn't agree with you. And that's how it like, because if you just left me alone in the gym, I would be more of the hardcore mentality. But when I see the science that says, hey, if you if you feel like you should rest, you probably should rest. Once I see enough of that scientific data, I'm like, Okay, I'll do it. Because I'm training smarter here, not just always harder. So if you have that hardcore mentality, then just try and back it off when you're really not feeling it, and it's going to be okay, it's actually going to be better most of the time from what we've seen in the research.
Joe Courtney 19:03
So great timing, you know, that we have on this study because, or inadvertently, because hard to kill, three, block and strength are all doing this, this next wave so as the day this publishes for the next three weeks, we have this last set four plus type thing going on. So if you're on this tracks, you get to actually try it out.
Jerred Moon 19:22
Any planning show?
Kyle Shrum 19:24
This wasn't unplanned, not at all. It wasn't accidental,
Joe Courtney 19:27
no mistakes are made. So I guess for my killing comfort would be to apply this to your accessory work because although sometimes it can be daunting to have this on your strength work because you don't feel somebody might want to or just so focused on the prescribed weight. You know, even though we want you to have a little bit of wiggle in the accessory work is when you really need to use you need to be driving yourself because we can't tell you how much to do and how and how you should be doing it. So you need to like work with what you have and your hope is this is 10 reps. And I can probably do this for 15 Maybe I should do a couple of extra reps because I don't have the next size kettlebell up to challenge myself to the 10, or so on and so forth. So, accessory work is when you really need to kind of be your own. Be your own coach and drive yourself and auto regulate yourself because it's we can't really prescribe for you especially because like kettlebells, and dumbbells and stuff vary so much for what you have as a garage gym athlete. So, yeah, apply this to your accessory work, make sure you are dialed in there as well.
Kyle Shrum 20:32
For Mikayla comfort I just said, maximize your training time by using the load specific for you. And we we talk about individualization autoregulation, we talk about it all the time. And it just the science has just proven over and over and over again, that you know what we've said here just individualization wins out, right? Dude, like, you need to put the mental effort into doing what you can do. And so that instead of just like, like I said, linear progression is a tried and true method, you will get stronger doing it that way. But it's also just, it's almost kind of the lazy way, sometimes, especially from a mental standpoint of like, here's my like, here's my sets and reps, I'm doing the sets and reps period. But you know, it's it's also kind of like what Jared said, you can get in that mindset. And you can break yourself, like you can hurt yourself if you do that. So, you know, put the extra mental effort into adapting your training to you into what you can do, even from a day to day standpoint, not just in a generalized standpoint, but from day to day.
Jerred Moon 21:34
Yeah, and that's, I wish there was an easier way to get into autoregulation with strength training like that there is in aerobic training or just conditioning because your heart rate is so indicative of whether or not you're hydrated or overly taxed or anything, because I forgot what we on hard to kill. I don't know if it's last week or the week for where we're doing a bunch of was it 3030s? We've had a lot of like, it's like 3030 and 6060. And then 3030. And I was doing that. And I want sustainability and repeatability. Right, like that's what I were always talking about. But I felt a little bit off that day. And it didn't really matter. Like I was shooting for sustainability and repeatability on the final set. But it wasn't happening because I was just too taxed. Like my heart rate was like at 180 on 3030s. And I was like, something's not right, you know, like, I've just I can't, I can't push any harder here to try and be sustainable and reliable. Because I'm already I'm already up there. And so I just lowered my meter expectation by about 10. And then everything kind of regulated itself is like, okay, you can maintain this new low standard, and your heart rate will be kind of where you want it to be. And so I do a lot of autoregulation it's super easy to do with heart rate. It's just harder to do with strength training, because I do think it takes a certain level of experience to be able to say, I don't feel like going heavy today, because if you're brand new, you've never done strength training, you probably just should stick to at least like a four week cycle of some sort of strength program with no modification and just get it done. Right. Like, just do it operate at your training max if you want if you max at the beginning, but like, let's not let's not vary until you get some experience under your belt. But if you have lifted for more than a cycle, I would call I would say you probably know enough now to be able to auto re regulate your strength training is just what a good day and a bad day is. Alright, we can move on here. It's topic for today, Joe. It's kind of your idea. My thing.
Joe Courtney 23:42
Oh, okay. Yeah. So it is the better human Friday a week and I believe as a publishing this, it will be live. Question mark. read anything
Jerred Moon 23:57
I know. Because this is published on Monday. We typically do it for four days on like right after Thanksgiving like actual Black Friday.
Joe Courtney 24:09
You have four days to prepare five days to prepare whenever you watch this.
Jerred Moon 24:12
Yeah, we actually have gotten questions about it all year. Here and there, like sporadically so we do better human Friday, once a year, starts on Black Friday and runs through Cyber Monday. And you can be a part of it. We have a lot of different things that you can get access to. You can just go to garage gym And there will be Joe I love the Christmas tree guy go into the background and you go to garage mathlete calm they'll be like a banner at the top of the website, easy to access, easy to find. If you're on the email list, you'll definitely get it but this is kind of a heads up because we are doing limited quantities on a lot of things. So you'll you'll know at checkout if there are any left and left Last year we did, we didn't have like a way to tell you how many there were left, it just was like, they're gone. Sorry. And we got a lot of emails asking for us to like, turn it back on or like whatever. But when they're gone, they're gone type of thing. And so a lot of that going on. And it will be good for you, you can gift fitness to a friend to yourself, whatever you want to do. But I thought that we would get into kind of our top three, but the number one would be what would you pick from our better human Friday lineup if you weren't a coach involved in the training, yada, yada, yada, all that stuff. So, Joe, I want I want you to go first, what would you pick here of all the offerings we have for better human Friday, assuming you have none of it,
Joe Courtney 25:58
especially for other people. But I think if you've never experienced what we do, and how we train and all that, then any number of these $7 programs is what I would do, because it's $7, you can go in there, you can check it out. They're all anywhere from four to six weeks of programs that we have, if you have if you're in a membership, and these are the programs that are in the training center. But if not, then you pay $7. And you have this program to keep forever. And you can run it, run it through and then you can even restart the program and do it again, see if you see how you've improved. And you can buy multiple and you know, you can pay however much you want for $7 a pop for each program and each one you have to do. So you can probably spend like $21 and have three for three to four months of programming.
Jerred Moon 26:51
Yeah, and we're all inflation's going, that's gonna be like the cost of a gallon of milk in a few weeks. So very, very affordable fitness here.
Joe Courtney 27:00
Yeah. And each of them have different emphasis and goals, and especially specialties and they have a little write ups to tell you what to do and what you want. So yeah, it's got the the weeks, the training days, and the goal of each program, not just, Hey, here's a six week, burn it all to the ground fat burner program, it's like, okay, I don't know what I'm getting myself into the we'll lay it out a little bit better.
Kyle Shrum 27:27
Can we go one at a time, are we going to all of us, like
Jerred Moon 27:30
I know, we're just doing like your top pick one at a time. And then we'll go next,
Kyle Shrum 27:34
my top one, piggyback off of what Joe said, my number one is an annual membership. Just pull the trigger and do it pay for a year. Because not only do you get the monthly programming, you can you have access to all of our tracks that we had, which also comes with a free app, where you can track all your workouts where you can also join our private Facebook community, all those kinds of things you pay up for a year, save a ton of money off of paying month to month with our normal membership, save a ton of money. Also, all of the programs, the $7 programs that Joe just mentioned, you get those two. So you could either buy the one off programs individually, or you could pay for an annual membership, get all of those one off programs with the membership. And you get the daily programming as well that comes in the app where you can track it that way. So you get even more programming. And you get at minimum, you get 12 months and program it but you can do whatever you want. So I would say the annual membership because it comes with all that other stuff, as well.
Ashley Hicks 28:48
So I went with somebody who's probably been around for a while, that's kind of my thought process behind that. So if you've been around garage mathlete for a while, and you've just kind of been going through the programming, I challenge you to do the program design course, and purchase that. I loved it for myself, because I you get to learn all the methods behind the programming. And then I'm very much a note taker. And so I even have this from Gosh, what was this year, three, four years ago. And I just refer back to it. And I love it because it just made me kind of understand our training better, and the why behind it. And it made me a better athlete in turn. So yeah, the program design course is great. We go over our methods and why we try why we program the way we program and it's it's really cool. Even if you don't want to write a program for yourself or anybody else. It's really just good information to know.
Kyle Shrum 29:44
Yeah, I would agree with that. And I still have my original notes from the programming courses. Well, I did that too. I did the programming course and then did the full cert after that. But yeah, I still have my original notes too. But yeah, if you've ever had a question of why do we do it this way, which we talk about it a lot on the podcast, right? But at the same time, it's like this is really in depth dive into this is our methodology. This is why we do this. And, and even if you're not gonna coach or you're not gonna write programs like it's, it's good to have that background knowledge of why you're doing what you're doing in the gym every day. And the way that we program for you.
Jerred Moon 30:25
Yes, it's me if I had to pick, guess so this i That's a tough one. There's a lot. You know, it's funny, I like our programming so much that I mean, I'm actually back. Well, I couldn't live without that one or this one. And I actually feel that way. So I look at other people's programs all the time, just out of curiosity, other people in the industry. And I'm just always like, I just couldn't do it. Like, I just could never follow that program. Like, it's just and I'm not there. I'm not going to say any specific names of other companies or competitors, because I don't like to throw that much shade. Because I'm not trying to like be a downer. It's just like, Man, I'd much rather do what we're doing. But I guess that's why we're all here, right. But the, I think if we're going to just deal like Joe's approach, it might actually be a step down. If we're just kind of looking at money, you're not sure about this, whatever the six months of garage gym athlete option. So it brings the, because if you were to buy every single $7 program we have on here, I think we have 10 of them. So that'd be 70 bucks. Well, if you just do 37 extra dollars, you get all of those programs, then you get all the six months, you get six months of just garage mathlete daily programming. So that to me, that's like the sampler, like you spend right around 100. And you get six months of everything, you don't get to keep those $7 programs after the fact that you have to pay continuously. That's kind of the difference between that's why we even have garagem athletes who pay monthly still by $7 programs, because they want to keep one forever, something like that, or be able to utilize it in a different capacity. So I'm thinking that's the one I would go with. Because if I'm just trying to like, get my biggest bang for my buck, without any significant cost and to be honest, compared to like a lot of just like coaching and other things in the fitness industry, everything on here is very affordable. But that's probably where where I would be
Kyle Shrum 32:34
alright, you just merged mine and Joe's together pretty much found that I found the middle ground between me and Joe.
Jerred Moon 32:39
Yeah. Because you're I mean, you're right. And I think I would push people towards annual to you it's the better deal for just looking at a per month basis. But if if we have the skeptics anyone skeptical, that's what I would do. But I also have others I'd like to recommend based off of more of Ashley's approach of like, you've been here a while what should you do? I got I got some solid recommendations coming. So I guess we'll just go round. Joe, you can knock out two and three. We'll knock out our second and third.
Joe Courtney 33:12
Three. Yeah.
Kyle Shrum 33:15
Joe didn't prepare for Chicago.
Joe Courtney 33:19
I kind of said 10 of my because that's basically what it is. Is all of these.
Jerred Moon 33:24
What should the veterans get? If you are the veteran athletes been around for years? What should they do?
Ashley Hicks 33:29
Don't take colonise points.
Kyle Shrum 33:31
Oh my gosh, going really
Jerred Moon 33:34
running out of things on the page. So you can really just like
Joe Courtney 33:37
what alright, a banner. So a banner? If you're
Jerred Moon 33:44
you don't have a better yet really helping the company out there, Joe?
Joe Courtney 33:47
Yeah. Because you got the garage mouse. And once you know that you have three ones and I don't even know do three ones are on our regular merch page. I think we only sell those like this time of year. Secretly. Yep. Yeah. So this is the only time you can get the EO three banners.
Jerred Moon 34:01
Oh, there you go. Kind of what you got.
Kyle Shrum 34:06
So I kind of had a little process to my picks the number one so you have the training and you have the nutrition and you have the mindset. So number one was the training so the annual membership. Number two is the nutrition actually I put mine first so I know we had the same one. But I'm gonna say it to go pick another one fuels course fuels course light. So it's this this is the light version because we have the field course where we open it up a couple times a year and you have a coach review it and kind of talk to you about it and give you tips and stuff like that this field course light you just get the fuel of course a coach is not going to review it or anything but you still get the fuel scores is a very powerful tool. And it teaches you you go through specific workouts measuring all or or using all the different energy systems and how You should feel for a workout moving forward, that's going to be using those energy systems. If you don't know what energy systems are, you will learn in the course. Or you should just start listening to the podcast. Or you should just start doing our training because we use them all the time we train them specifically, deals course like get your nutrition, learn how to fuel for specific workouts, not just nutrition in general, this is for fueling specifically for your training. So using your using your nutrition, specifically, to support your training, not just generalized nutrition advice, specifically using your nutrition for your training, and then the mindset killing comfort audiobook. Seven Bucks, go pick it up, you get to keep it forever. Get that get that mindset shift in and then those mindset reminders. It's like you start slacking, go back, Jared is Tony need to suck it up and do better. That's not the whole point of the book. I'm just saying killing comfort. Incredible book, get the audio book. Seven Bucks, go do it. So you got your training, your nutrition and your mindset.
Joe Courtney 36:07
If you don't hear Jared voice enough. Yeah, right.
Jerred Moon 36:10
Well, and I want to I want to clarify something on the fuels course, because I think that's a great pick, the value is really there. But I think some people got confused last year of like, cuz we named it fuels course, like they think that they might be getting something a little bit different. So Kyle said it. But like, from an educational standpoint, it's the exact same, you get every single thing that someone get, the only reason we charge less is because we're not doing weekly zoom calls, which is something that we do, and then you're not getting a coaching review at the end. But if you just listen to the three part series that we had on the weekend, fuelling a couple weeks ago, then if that was at all interesting to you, and you want to like Man, I'd love to master this stuff. More fuels course is like a no brainer, and it's very, very affordable during better human Friday. So definitely jump in there, you're not getting, we're not giving you like when you said maybe we should rename it and maybe shouldn't be like, like, it's not less information, it's still the exact same educational material, just a little bit less involvement with a coach. And you can still add comments in our Member section. And we do respond to those, it's just not a matter of direct call time from a coach because that is a value to all of us to dedicate our time to something like that. So that's why the the price is different as well. So good pick, if only actually I thought something like that, man.
Ashley Hicks 37:32
I was gonna say to it's progressive. So we don't just drop everything on you to fray, it's week to week, so it's progressing.
Kyle Shrum 37:39
It's really good to keep it forever. So you kind of like the one off programs, you can you can go and do it again. Like you do it now. And you do a cycle or two of the training. And then you go back and you do the fuel fuels course again and see you know, if things have changed, all that kind of stuff. It's it's a tool you get to keep forever.
Ashley Hicks 37:55
Yeah. Alright, so my last minute swerve is the digital programming side hustle. So if you I know a lot of our athletes have maybe even started like bringing people in and training people and whatnot. And you're kind of like, Man, I really enjoy this and I want to do this as like just a side hustle. Jared has created this awesome program that my gosh, you can just learn so much from so I say pick it up. It's it's a fabulous deal. It's a whole heck of a lot off so and it's it's tried and true guys. It's it's really great from someone who you know, I didn't really charge anything but like who trained people when we I was at Lakenheath and whatnot like this is this is a cool way to set you up and it's not just training, right? It's like telling you how to grow a business what you need to start with. Anyways, that's really cool. I can't speak highly enough of it.
Jerred Moon 38:54
Yeah. Multiple I was gonna say multiple people have gone through the coaching course and and done the digital program side hustle. And we've had more than one multiple people start six figure businesses launch six figure businesses within about, you know, anywhere from 12 to 18 months post following the digital programming side hustle so I mean if business is kind of your thing, you're you're dabbling or if you think it's gonna be Yeah, like get it while it's a deal. It's just because we discounted it doesn't mean it's not, you know, powerful information.
Ashley Hicks 39:26
For sure. And then my last month would be I figured I'd had to pick a training one since I haven't picked training so
Joe Courtney 39:32
you wanted to educate the world?
Ashley Hicks 39:33
I I think it's great. Anyways, my training one would be one man system. I talk about it all the time. I use this all the time when we're gone when we're traveling like one man system is like I would say it's it's probably my favorite out of all the systems. I know I probably shouldn't say that. But anyways, I think it's great. I think it's good if you're stopped shaking your head. One man one barbell is always the tried and true but one man system is Great. And if you just want to work on bodyweight stuff to like, it's, it's fabulous. I, I've said this a million times on the podcast, I use that to Bata all the time, if I am somewhere and I'm like, I don't even know what to do. I just go back to the one man system and then do it. So, yeah. All right, Jared, given
Jerred Moon 40:21
that most of them have been covered at this point, so I just have to kind of pick what's left. And this is for the the veteran members we had a good amount of people do is last year, a lifetime of garage, gym athlete. So it's you pay once. It will be a little bit more expensive this year than it was last year. But still, you pay once and then you are done paying for garage mathlete for the rest of your life, or until we shut the business down at the end of December. No, it's it. That's the funny part is like how long is life? We actually got that question last year's like, Well, I'm not going anywhere. Like, are you? I hope I don't get hit by a car, whatever. Truck. So yeah, you you pay this fee. And then you're done with monthly membership. We almost had too many people take it down. Take us up on this last year. So we had to shut it down. So if this is like this is the one we're getting the most questions about, like if this is in your radar and your site's be ready, because it's going to go fast. There will be a limited quantity and like an auto shutdown with how many we have. So if you want to do the lifetime of garage mathlete definitely do that. And then I think what do I have left here? I think you went with one man system, I was gonna do kind of one of those. I'll do both. I just finished them out. I mean, I would snag the one man series. If if I if you're at all interested, we talked about one minimum barbell today in the study or I did a little bit there will male kettlebell woman system. I think all of these programs are great to have for various reasons actually mentioned for like traveling the woman system is awesome. One man, one kettlebell kind of the same thing if you're in a situation where you can travel and you also have access to a kettlebell, because they're just short, there are three week waves with a D load. So I mean, you can do one week of it two weeks of it. And I know people find themselves in those situations, you of course, could always do what we have in the app, or like no gear track or something of garage mathlete. And then woman, one barbell is a super effective strength training program, it's good to good to have, but not just from, oh, well, I want to do this instead of garage, gym, athlete type thing. It's it's very educational, almost too educational. Like I could probably turn one man, one barbell more into a course. And there's a lot of that in there. So I say that almost as a warning, if you want to buy it. Because I really want to make sure it's like, we call them like systems for a reason. And not just, oh, here's day one week one, like it is a system you will get educated you understand strength training, better the implementation of it, and you kind of know the framework to be able to use it. So it's really solid overall. But if you're again, kind of going the more education route, any of those programs would be great for you. So that's it better than Friday, go to garage, gym, athlete calm and snag any of the things that we had mentioned. For a very limited time
Joe Courtney 43:22
free. Ask your spouse about the lifetime thing because that happened last time. It was like on Friday or Saturday came out. And they're like, Oh, I had to talk to my spouse but they didn't get back to me until Sunday night by then we were just like sold out of it.
Jerred Moon 43:34
How long does it take to talk to you guys pencil on a meeting?
Joe Courtney 43:38
Well, apparently Ashley has to make clothes and do all the all the all the budget breakdowns. So
Jerred Moon 43:46
I may remember me I thought I thought
Joe Courtney 43:49
you had proposed things like that before maybe was cheer somebody I thought
Ashley Hicks 43:53
I have
Jerred Moon 43:54
been asked for forgiveness, not permission. Like like, Have you ever seen any of those means that it's like, give give us an extra five bucks and we'll give you a receipt for how much you told your wife you paid for it? Yeah, I don't know. No. Well, that's I'm gonna start saying
Ashley Hicks 44:12
like Emily wouldn't be upset with you. I don't know i You're right, Joe. I do have to come that everything was a logical explanation. It can't be an emotional purchase. It first got anyways, he's probably gonna kill me for saying that. But anyways, we do. Yeah. budget meetings. And so yes, you're right. I have to have like spreadsheets and this is great because of this.
Jerred Moon 44:32
How much money will we actually save in the purchase? It's like It's like shopping at Costco. Costco more front.
Joe Courtney 44:40
Circle the savings at the bottom are?
Jerred Moon 44:43
Well, no, like, we're we're getting to the point with three kids two boys who are getting they, I swear they eat more calories than I do and it bothers me. I eat a lot of calories. I mean, I eat like probably 3500 a day just like on average, they're burning because they're still growing. like they got to be easily on the 5k 5000.
Kyle Shrum 45:03
This on the podcast, the energy expenditure. They're still in that. You know what their
Jerred Moon 45:07
little humans they're still growing.
Joe Courtney 45:12
they have roughly a football for Texas Tech. Yeah,
Jerred Moon 45:15
it doesn't matter till they get to
Kyle Shrum 45:16
20. Right. Right. At 20 they level off.
Jerred Moon 45:19
I really want to see I'm William might be like six five or six six. We'll see. He started basketball last night. He had
Ashley Hicks 45:29
what? So he's got a tower over you.
Jerred Moon 45:31
I know. And I'm It'll be weird. But I tell them every time I'm like, Look, you're both probably going to be taller than me. Because we fed you good food and you had a good upbringing better than mine. And I will always be stronger than you. Oh, my gosh. And they just they look at it as a challenge. Like even seven and nine year old. They're like, Okay, we'll see. I'm like, No, we will see. You will never be stronger than me. And there. They kind of accepted it for a while. But now it is more of a challenge to them. They're like, Well, I think I think we could probably get stronger
Ashley Hicks 46:07
they stronger than a Geo Metro or more powerful.
Kyle Shrum 46:10
Why not?
Jerred Moon 46:11
I wasn't ready to move on. What a segue, Ashley, but I guess we could talk about our Thanksgiving tradition. Which is there is no real Thanksgiving, right? So it's like it's a meal in between Christmas.
Joe Courtney 46:25
Thanksgiving is a fantastic holiday. It is okay.
Kyle Shrum 46:29
We're not doing this. We're not doing this on the podcast.
Ashley Hicks 46:31
That's gonna be a huge tangent. Let's keep going.
Jerred Moon 46:34
So what's funny is we have I don't know how many traditions we have a garage, a mathlete. But there is one. And this is it. This is this is. We don't have a lot of traditions here. The other tradition? Yeah.
Ashley Hicks 46:48
That's like it's Morial day we always do.
Jerred Moon 46:51
Like, that's not weekend. Our tradition. That's a thing. Yeah. Okay. To be honest, up until like, more recently, I would forget to program or around Memorial Day, because it was just like when I was doing it every week. I didn't think of like Memorial Day is like a special time to do it. Because I was just doing it every single week. Just a typical Saturday. Yeah, I was like, oh, yeah, I should probably program that for everybody. But uh, this is it. This is the tradition. It's the Thanksgiving throwdown who wants to brief the workout.
Ashley Hicks 47:18
Oh, you got it.
Kyle Shrum 47:20
Oh, I've got it. There we go. There we go. The Geo Metro challenge. 15 handstand push ups 10. Cleans at 135 or 9510, strict pull ups 20. deadlifts at 135 or 9525, push ups 15 back squats at 135 95. All reps must be unbroken. And if you complete this whole workout in three minutes and 36 seconds or less, you are more powerful than a Geo Metro 337 to four minutes, you are as powerful as a Geo Metro.
Jerred Moon 48:01
That's my favorite rating.
Kyle Shrum 48:03
Anything over four minutes, even anything over four minutes flat and you are less powerful than a geo go get it done. I guess since I briefed it. I'll do my notes first.
Jerred Moon 48:17
Wait, should we talk about what a Geo Metro is?
Kyle Shrum 48:20
Yeah, some people not know what a Geo Metro there might be? People I guess we're getting their
Jerred Moon 48:26
guess. Okay. So I have to tell the story. And I'll tell it briefly. It's even in like the article I think I wrote for this. But I had this idea. I was when I first started programming for a lot of people like I was doing all sorts of math, like equating things to horsepower and everything else and like, just trying to figure out what data was useful and wasn't useful. And then I came over the idea I was like, I want to have a workout. You know, where like, you know, you're more powerful than like a Ferrari or like something really awesome. And then I was like actually calculated things out. And I was like, oh, humans kind of suck. We can't do much at all. When it comes to horsepower. That's why they never put carts on people's backs they put on horses backs. Power. Yeah, it's not human power. It's so anyway, once I got it became more it can't be funny at that point. I was like, okay, so we can't do any cool cars like what's the worst car out there and I kind of landed on the Geo Metro, which is a three cylinder which I think is like illegal now. Three cylinder car, one liter engine in the horsepower is like 55 to 79 maybe 46 miles per gallon highway though. Alright,
Kyle Shrum 49:37
who's laughing now?
Jerred Moon 49:38
Yeah. So anyway, that's the that's the map I came out with after calculating a bunch of stuff is like, Okay, if you want to be more powerful than Geo Metro, then here's the workout to be able to do it. So and it's still it's, it's pretty challenging. So yeah. Now tips strategies for the workout.
Kyle Shrum 49:58
So I said make sure To Remember, all reps are unbroken. You have to just go straight through it. And honestly, hopefully, I mean, according to our standards, you're not taking more than four minutes to do this. So you should just be able to crank through it unbroken, but everything has to be unbroken all out. Just go for it. I would say, since this is our Thanksgiving tradition, right? Do this before eating for the day. Just knock it out. It's only a four minute workout. So do it before you go eat everything. Or we programming on Saturday, right? It's a meet yourself Saturday, or do we program it for Thanksgiving? No, for Saturday, you can do on Thanksgiving. So it's after Thanksgiving anyway. Alright, anyway, whatever. Do it before you do anything for the day because it's only four minutes long, and extra points. If you compete against an actual Geo Metro. You can actually win on a while you're gonna actually outrun a Geo Metro, extra points.
Ashley Hicks 50:58
Oh my god.
Kyle Shrum 51:00
So to do the workout, it's
Jerred Moon 51:01
not power, not speed. So what you would do is plant your feet in front of the car and see if you can hold it in place while the other person steps on the gas pedal.
Kyle Shrum 51:11
I guess I just thought I guess I just thought, you know, your your power off the line? Like can you be the Geo Metro off the line.
Joe Courtney 51:22
I shared this with for a short distance. Share this with someone I don't remember where it was. I think it had to be in Russia because that's just where these things happen. There was this guy that was like crouched down in between two cars. And these cars hoods were pointed at each other in between him and they they drove at each other with the guy in between the cars. He just kind of just kind of crouched down there and held the cars that didn't crush him.
Jerred Moon 51:46
The geometrics
Kyle Shrum 51:49
that's where all the geometry. Yeah, that's probably where they all wound up in Russia. This is this is our new tradition. All right, we're doing this one. The between either between two cores.
Okay, who's next? Yeah, I don't know who's next?
Joe Courtney 52:09
I guess. So you want to be okay. I mean, you have to warm up to this one. That's like the main thing because everything's unbroken. So you have to make everything count. So if you're going to do any reps, you better start and finish those. And if you don't, then you're probably not as powerful as geometric or ads are more powerful. So yeah, they do a very long warm up, you can do a mock trial through of the whole thing, like, do like half or quarter reps of each of them moving from one to the next. And just stay loose, take a take a nice break and then hammer it out.
Ashley Hicks 52:44
Well, since we're talking about autoregulation, don't look at this workout and go Well I can't do handstand push ups and I can't do any of this you can scale all the things that you need to think down to what you need to right so even with the weight, and then I just go with us ignore the pain with only one button for this one. And let's go and maybe find a song that's like less than four minutes so that way it can keep you on target if you're trying to be more powerful than a Geo Metro. Or I mean you can go with your kids favorite reading right smack dab in the middle.
Jerred Moon 53:16
Yeah. Just such a depressing reading, right. I'd rather win or lose this this battle Not, not tie. Okay, so for me tips on this one. I don't like workouts like this where it's like, three minutes and done or whatever. You know, that reminds me too much of CrossFit. Since like a lot, a lot of hoopla for a little tiny thing. So like Joe said, warm up appropriately. knock this out. Make sure you're more powerful energy of Metro, maybe you won't be don't be depressed. If you're not, it's fine. And then go for 5k Run after. Especially if it's Thanksgiving, a lot of people do 5k runs on Thanksgiving and or around Thanksgiving. So yeah, five. If bonus points if you throw that you have three 5k on the on the back end of it. Oh, well. I mean, do you feel like you've done anything after a three minute workout?
Ashley Hicks 54:16
No, I was gonna say maybe do some some to stuff but I mean,
Jerred Moon 54:18
yeah, it's just
Ashley Hicks 54:21
you three 5k Here we
Joe Courtney 54:23
go. To 5k That's like a normal Thursday. It's good to go.
Jerred Moon 54:27
Yeah, I mean, three 5k Right after
Kyle Shrum 54:30
oh gosh, if you could complete Metro challenge as your warm up for the five key. Yeah,
Jerred Moon 54:35
you can see the Geo Metro throw down and be more powerful and finish to three 5k All of that and under an hour. I will give you $1
Kyle Shrum 54:49
An actual dollar not anybody
Jerred Moon 54:50
listening just the three of you.
Ashley Hicks 54:57
Well, I'm out because
Jerred Moon 54:58
I quickly changed My mind on the dollar challenge after I realized so many people listening to podcasts via a lot of emails, I did it. We need video proof. And you also have to survive the Geo Metro crashing test. Okay, there we go.
Ashley Hicks 55:12
There's now cuz I'm not doing high intensity, so you only got to give $2
Jerred Moon 55:16
All right now, Joe. I need to do yes, J won't do it. I mean, come on. Let's be real. All right, Kyle,
Ashley Hicks 55:26
it's up to you, my friend.
Kyle Shrum 55:28
It's all on my shoulders.
Joe Courtney 55:29
I won't be able to anywhere. I mean, I'm not gonna be at my gym or engine.
Ashley Hicks 55:33
Jerred Moon 55:35
Alright, well, I guess we can get out of here. It being that it's Thanksgiving week. Don't get lazy. All right, or core don't? Yeah, don't do it. It's just another meal. It's it's not like a don't, I'm gonna get angry. I'll get angry if we see your tariqa. So don't ruin your life on Thanksgiving. Okay. It's not worth it. Just another meal. But enjoy yourself. Have fun. But don't know, seriously,
Joe Courtney 56:07
as Jared said, maybe at some point anything. Oh,
Jerred Moon 56:11
yeah, you don't you don't deserve a larger than normal meal. Yeah, like it just, it makes me feel bad. So I can't like that's the reason I do it. I just want to not feel bad. So don't don't do it. Have fun, workout on Thanksgiving. And then wake up the next day and crush better even Friday. For all those who support the podcast either following us on the podcast and YouTube and leaving the reviews. We really appreciate it from the daily programming. We really appreciate that as well. If you really want to support what we're doing, whether you are a member of garage mathlete or not definitely check out better, better human Friday, this Friday. And you know, snag a programmer to give a program away, share with a friend whatever you want to do. Check all those things out. But that's all I have for this week. And from a weekly reminder, if you don't go comfort, comfort will kill you.
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