Tynan Rolander

Tynan is the Head Football Coach at South County High School in Lorton, Va. He has been coaching there for 9 years since graduating from The Citadel in 2011. Having played football throughout high school Tynan knew is way around a barbell. His time at The Citadel introduced to Crossfit and mixed modal training but he continued to train primarily as a “classic bodybuilder”. Tynan reached peak raw strength in 2015 but his pursuit of barbell numbers led to a life changing injury. He suffered a slipped disc in his lumber spine and found himself rethinking how he trained at the age of 26. Enter End of Three Fitness. While combing through Facebook, Instagram, and myriad fitness websites Tynan came across GGA. Intrigued by Jerred’s claims and methods of training Tynan decided to give One Man, One Barbell a try in the winter of 2018. After seeing impressive results, not only with his barbell lifts but in his general health and physical fitness Tynan decided that GGA was for him. He has been training with GGA since and hasn’t looked back. Pursuing the coaching certification was the next logical step for Tynan as he is heavily involved in the strength training and condition of the football program he leads. He hopes to pass on the innovative, researched back, and results driven programming to his players so they may become the best humans possible long after they are done playing for him.